Online e-commerce platforms every day they lay their foundations more as the users' favorites to make your sales. From makeup products, clothing and even technological devices are some of the things you can sell here. Today we will give you some tips to sell your iPhone on Wallapop.
Wallapop is one of the platforms most liked by Spaniards to sell second-hand products, although you can also find new ones. This favors direct communication between seller and buyer, streamlining this process. Although it doesn't hurt to follow a few tricks that will make your experience even better.
Follow these tips to sell your iPhone on Wallapop
Selling a product is an art. And many times we lose potential buyers due to not knowing how to bring out the positive characteristics of articles that we sell. Therefore, follow these suggestions to complete your sale successfully:
You must give value to what is in good condition
This point is key, as it is understandable, a mobile phone will not be at its best. Even if you have taken great care of it, it will always have some details. Therefore, it is essential to highlight the components that are in good condition and work best, such as:
This is one of the data that provides the most interest when purchasing a used iPhone. We do not recommend that you omit information about the actual state of battery health of the mobile. Ultimately, the buyer will notice and it will be an uncomfortable situation for you.
In addition to can leave you a bad review on your Wallapop profile or report you with the platform. But if instead you have good battery health, highlight it without fail.
It has no scratches
The aesthetic details of the device They tend to attract potential buyers a lot. Which often downplay other more important technical specifications in the operation of the iPhone.
This new, brand new look is one of the most sought after, pursuing the idea that having an iPhone brings a certain status. With these words the message is more than clear, If your phone does not have scratches and chips, you should highlight this in the information you provide for the sale.
Charger status
Buying a device that has a functional charger and in good condition is very important for most. Specify this in the data you provide for sale on Wallapop. Of course, make sure the information is real, for this your charger should not have peelings or cuts.
If you have original accessories, sell them
Everything that gives the feeling that the mobile phone is well preserved, and what it is almost the same as purchasing it in an Apple store It will catch the attention of more people.
One of the most effective ways to do this is to include in the sale all the original accessories you have, They also offer greater confidence about the authenticity of the iPhone to buyers.
Set a higher price than you want for the iPhone
The most frequently asked question when selling a used iPhone is how much you can ask for it. To do this, you will have to search Wallapop and other platforms to see what their value is. Clearly, you should ask for values in line with those set by competing sellers. depending on the iPhone model you have and its specifications.
Once you've set a price, add a little to the set value. The reason for this will be to try to generate greater interest in your iPhone, since if its price is higher, it conveys the idea that it has superior features and better condition. It will also give an acceptable discount margin so as not to generate losses, and the feeling of having achieved a discount is always gratifying for buyers.
Take quality photos
It is important that we know how to establish a balance between poor quality photos and photos taken from advertisements or Apple's official website, since both create distrust. Some photographs taken with a blurry, dark or pixelated appearance give the impression that there are details of the mobile phone that we do not want to be known.
On the other hand, if we take the photos directly from Apple's website, it ultimately generates that same feeling. It is true that you might think that it gives a more original appearance, but in these cases it is totally counterproductive.
Write the characteristics in detail
A good description of the mobile phone, providing every piece of information about it, can save you a lot of time and explanations. Furthermore, only those truly interested will take the time to communicate with you. It specifies its model, detail and specifications, storage space, battery status and data of this type.
Clear There will be no shortage of distracted people who ask for information that has been provided in the iPhone data, but without a doubt this will be much less than if your explanations were very cursory.
Beware of scammers
This is something very difficult not to find as soon as you put an item like an iPhone for sale on Wallapop. Fortunately, it is quite easy to spot when it is a suspicious profile. Their activity on the platform will be very limited, they will not have publications, ratings or reviews from other users. Although this is not a general rule, since many people do not make purchases that frequently on e-commerce platforms.
Ask for payment in advance if you are going to send it
It is preferable that you can close the sale in person, but Many times this is not possible due to the distance factor. In these cases then we recommend that you request payment in advance before sending the mobile.
This way you will avoid possible theft or a conflict of this type. In case the buyer does not want to keep the iPhone, They can agree to refund the money as soon as it reaches you again.
If you want to learn more about how to sell used and refurbished Apple products, you will find this article interesting:
Selling a used phone is always the best way to recover part of your initial investment, whether because you want to change your phone or for another reason. Follow these tips to sell your iPhone on Wallapop and the sale is sure to be completed quickly. Let us know in the comments what other types you would give us.