Simple trick to know if your iPhone screen is original from Apple

Simple trick to know if your iPhone screen is original from Apple

The incredible global success of iPhones and other devices from the Apple company is given fundamentally by the unsurpassed quality of the same. The screen of these mobiles is known for its image quality and many other aspects that make the user's experience with the device special. But what happens if you buy an iPhone that doesn't have an original screen? Today We bring you a simple trick to know if the screen of your iPhone is original from Apple.

Certainly, today there are non-original screens which can be difficult to detect as such. Sometimes, they are even necessary software and other tools to identify if your screen is original or not. Although of course, by following some instructions and details that we will tell you, you will surely be able to do it yourself.

What signals can you detect on your iPhone screen? Simple trick to know if your iPhone screen is original from Apple

It is generally not very difficult to realize that the screen of your iPhone or any other Apple device is not original. These signs They will be mainly due to failures in their operation. that hinder your experience as a user, as well as aesthetic details.

Some of them are:

Faults in the touch screen

This is the most frequent and common. Very often, devices that have non-original screens frequently responds more slowly to touches on the screen, They also stay on during phone calls and even accidentally touching unwanted places.

Screen brightness is not the best

The quality of an iPhone screen is legendary, so when the brightness doesn't work perfectly, we could immediately realize that something is wrong. Even more so when the maximum brightness seems to not have the required quality.

True Tone does not work correctly True Tone Apple

This is a function that is normally It tends to fail when the device screen is not original. You will be able to realize this very easily, since you will notice that the brightness of the screen does not automatically adapt to the lighting of the place where you are.

Mobile battery life is reduced

This is something that is given by a series of combined factors, including all of those mentioned above. By not working correctly, these indicators, including screen brightness, The battery will last much less time per charge cycle.

Simple trick to know if your iPhone screen is original from Apple Apple screen

Checking if your iPhone screen is original cannot always be a simple task, since there are currently copy screens that They could make anyone who is not an expert on the subject doubt. So if the failures that we mentioned above still leave you doubtful, you can check this information in other ways:

Using the Settings app on your iPhone

This functionality that we will tell you about is located Available on iPhone models from 11 onwards.

  1. Access the Settings app of your device, and then to the General section.
  2. In this you will have to go to «About» and click on the Parts and Service History option.
  3. Here you will be able to verify if the replacement has been made of some component of your iPhone, however, if you see that there is an "Unknown Part" everything indicates that it would not be original.
  4. Clear It could also indicate that it is not installed correctly or that was previously used on another iPhone.

Open your iPhone

This is one manual alternative whose practice has been declining, fundamentally because currently there are other more effective and safer alternatives. It should be noted that for this you will surely need to go to a specialized technical service, who knows all the parameters that must be looked for in order to identify whether the screen is original or not.

Some of the most identifiable are:

  • Locate the supplier seal of the device as well as the warranty label. These are located on the frame, flex or light label located on the bottom.
  • Barcode in the flex.
  • Company logo also located in the flex.
  • Observe if there is any weld between the motherboard, the screen and the flex cable.
  • Find the rainbow dye what is in the chamber.

Something very important to keep in mind when disassembling yourself (or any non-Apple authorized technical service) is that Once you do, the warranty that Apple offers on its devices will no longer be valid. Therefore, we recommend that you take the iPhone to Apple service to disassemble if you choose this method.

Use some software NSYS Diagnostics

There are several software that will help you verify quite precisely if your iPhone screen is original from Apple. Today, the best options to achieve this verification in a completely safe way is through a program for this. We recommend you NSYD Diagnostics.

NSYD Diagnostics is a powerful tool that is responsible for automatically detecting details and information on both your iPhone screen, like other parts of the device that have not received approval from Apple. Checking the authenticity of the screen, the device's battery, its motherboard, all cameras and more. This tool also offers more than 60 tests that help detect more than 100 hardware defects.

This way of verifying the originality of the screen through software such as NSYD Diagnostics is superior to the manual one. We believe this, since effectiveness is guaranteedIn addition, we eliminate any margin of error that may occur when we check it using the other methods presented.

And that's all for today! Let us know in the comments What do you think of these tips to know if your iPhone screen is original from Apple. Knowing how to detect these details can make the difference when interacting with your mobile.

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