How to use Shazam in the background on iPhone and iPad

How to use Shazam in the background on iPhone and iPad

There is nothing more annoying than that, upon hearing a certain song that we like, we do not know their name or what band or group they belong to, something that fortunately is not a problem now, thanks to new technologies and applications that we can have on our devices. If you want to know how to do it, take a look at this article how to use Shazam in the background on iPhone and iPad.

If at the time we already saw how with Apple Music you can find songs using lyrics, now we are going to see one of the least known features of an application as popular as Shazam, which without having to be using it directly, is capable of acting in the background to quickly identify songs that sound around us. Something that seems like witchcraft, but is now a reality. Do you want to know how to do it?

An excellent application for music lovers  How to use Shazam in the background on iPhone and iPad

Within different applications that we usually have on our iPhone or iPad, the music ones are probably some of the most common, since they allow us to access a huge selection of music, being possible to create our own music lists, explore new groups and styles, etc.

However, if you are a great music fan, you will know that few of them offer you the possibility of identify a certain topic, giving you their name and details, something in which Shazam can help you with total effectiveness, since at the time you needed to upload the song to its website, so that it would tell you its name, now you can download its app, and leave it on background to work on its own, giving you the information on all the songs you listen to, when for example you are walking down the street, you enter a place, and there is a topic that you don't know about.

Shazam now works in the background to identify songs 

That many applications work in the background is nothing new, but Shazam does it especially for a good reason, since this popular app for identify music, has incorporated a new function that allows you to identify songs in the background, even when the app is not open. This feature is available for iPhone and iPad that have at least iOS 16 or higher.

An app that you will now be able to leave in the background so that it works alone and quickly offers you the information about the songs that are playing around you, without you having to do anything, since it will tell you the name, group and other details of each song that it can identify, which is usually the majority.

How does Shazam work in the background?

It is very simple. You only have to activate the Auto Shazam function in the Shazam app. Once activated, Shazam will listen to the music playing around you, when for example you are at a bar, event, concert, or you are walking, exercising or working, etc., even when the app is closed or minimized.

If Shazam recognizes a song, it will send you a notification with song information including title, artist, album and lyrics. Come on, a real blast!

A functionality that offers interesting benefits, since it allows not only identify the name of a song, but also discover new music, in addition to styles and groups that you probably did not know, thus increasing your musical knowledge, especially if you are a great music lover. Remember that Shazam in the background only works when you are connected to the internet!

Additionally, by activating this functionality You will no longer have to open the Shazam app every time you want to identify a song since Shazam will do it for you in the background and send you a notice when it recognizes it. Now you won't miss a single song since Shazam can identify songs even when the music is played at very low volume. You just have to activate Auto Shazam!

Activate Auto Shazam

In order to activate car shazam you just have to follow these steps:

  • Open the Shazam app on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Tap the gear icon in the top right corner.
  • Activate the Auto Shazam option.

Tips when using this application in the background 

Valid, both for Shazam and for other apps, using it in the background can obviously consume more battery as it is always active, so if you see that you are not going to need it, it is best to deactivate Auto Shazam, in addition to also can disable notifications from Shazam at any time. To do this, just go to Settings > Shazam > Notifications.

In summary, Shazam in the background It is a very useful function for music lovers who want to discover new songs without interruptions, without having to actively use the app that you can download a little below if you don't have it yet. Of course, remember that this functionality is only valid if you have an iPhone or iPad with iOS 16 or higher.

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