One day we could have a round Apple Watch

Apple has patented a technology that will allow it to do devices with screens with curved edges, or totally round. In the text of the patent we can find references to a wristwatch as one of its possible uses and, in fact, one of the illustrations seems exactly  that: a watch.

And it is that circular screens present several difficulties, since the distribution of the pixels is normally rectangular, so in a circular screen there are always areas that are inactive, so in a smartwatch with a round screen there is space that cannot be used .

The new patent, which bears the title of “Electronic device having display with curved edges” (electronic device that has a screen with curved edges), was published yesterday on the website of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and Apple requested it eight months after launching the original Apple Watch which, as we all know, has a rectangular screen.


This seems to indicate that it is not a project discarded at the time in favor of a watch with a rectangular screen, since the fact that the patent application took place months after launching the Apple Watch means that Apple management he put his engineers to work on this project, aimed at getting a round interface to work.

Of course, this patent is not a guarantee that Apple will release a round Apple Watch in the future. It is possible that the company finally decided to discard the project and that this is nothing more than a patent made to protect itself, and prevent other companies from using this technology for their own watches.

It is also possible that Apple has other plans for this technology, such as making an iPhone that has a screen with curved edges.

The truth is that circular screens are less practical than rectangular ones in the case of a smartwatch, since the data they can display is less. For this reason, there are those who believe that Apple will never make a round Apple Watch. 

However, there are users who would undoubtedly like to have an Apple Watch with this type of design, if only for aesthetic reasons, so it is possible that Apple is considering finding a way to do it.

Would you like Apple to launch a round Apple Watch? 

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