I think that on this website if we sin something, it is to warn you enough about the risks of cybersecurity. Although macOS has historically been less vulnerable to malware threats, the need to remove viruses and Trojans on Mac is there as cybercriminals have adapted their tactics and now They increasingly target Apple devices due to the increase in the market share of this platform.
Viruses and Trojans can infiltrate Macs through emails, software downloads, and browsing compromised web pages. Therefore, it is crucial to know how to detect and eliminate these threats to keep your computer safe and in optimal condition and for this we have made this post.
Understanding the problem: What are Viruses and Trojans?
Before we dive into the solutions, it is important to understand what exactly viruses and Trojans are, because they are talked about a lot but not fully understood.
- Un virus It is a type of malware that infects other programs or files, with the purpose of corrupting data, leave the equipment inoperative or open doors to another series of computer attacks.
- Un Trojan, on the other hand, is malicious software that disguises itself as a legitimate application to trick the user and open a back door through which a hacker can connect to the computer.
Of course, both types of programs are totally illegal and their users use them to make not very honest transactions.
How to remove viruses on Mac?
Using an antivirus to remove viruses and Trojans on Mac
The most direct and easiest method to remove viruses and Trojans from your Mac is by using specialized security software, which are designed to detect and remove malware efficiently.
There are numerous antivirus options on the market designed specifically for macOS and we are not going to go into this too much, because we have already covered it in other posts, but if we had to recommend any they would be these:
- Malwarebytes for Mac: With a simple interface and fast scans, this antivirus is known for its effectiveness in detecting and removing malware.
- Bitdefender Antivirus for Mac: This software offers real-time protection and deep system scanning, with one of the most powerful engines.
- Norton 360 Deluxe: With additional features like a VPN and phishing protection, Norton is a robust option.
Removing viruses on Mac with the software
Once you have installed the antivirus software of your choice, we advise you to do a full system scan.
This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the amount of data on your Mac and its speed, where the software will identify any threats present and provide you with options to delete or quarantine infected files.
Using built-in macOS tools
The macOS operating system itself includes several tools that can help identify and remove malware, and which we will teach you how to use below.
Activity Monitor
El Activity Monitor It can be useful for identifying suspicious processes, as it shows us what processes are running and if there is something that is consuming intensively, it will come out here. To open Activity Monitor, you can do it from the folder Applications/Utilities and there you will see the processes running.
IF you see anything that you don't recognize or that consumes excessive resources, you can select it and click the “button”X” in the upper left corner to close it.
Find and delete suspicious files from Finder
Another thing you can do is use Finder and check the following paths and files:
/ Library / LaunchAgents
/ Library / LaunchDaemons
/ Library / Application Support
If there is malware here that you don't know about, It will appear as suspicious files or files that you do not remember having installedYes, check that they are not components of the system or other apps that you may need.
Restart in Safe Mode: an alternative
One of the ways to access the system if the malware does not allow the system to start correctly is to use the Safe Mode, where it only loads the “bare” operating system and little else.
To do this, you must turn off your Mac and then turn it on while holding down the Shift key until you see the login screen.
Once you're there, log in and run a scan with your trusted antivirus, as Safe Mode can prevent malware from running and camouflage itself to avoid removal.
If everything is no longer viable... tap System Restore
If all the above methods fail to remove viruses and trojans on Mac, a more drastic but effective solution is restore your Mac to a previous backup or reinstall macOS.
To do this, in case you have a backup, we advise you to take a look at this other post where we talk about TimeMachine to return to macOS Sonoma and how it is used, but if you do not have a copy or suspect that it may be infected, you will have to reinstall macOS.
Prevention: the best way to avoid having viruses and Trojans on Mac
Although removing malware from your Mac is only part of the battle, prevention is equally crucial or even more important to avoid future infections, so we will give you a series of guidelines that you should follow in order to avoid suffering from virus attacks:
Update the software
Make sure your operating system and all applications are always updated with the latest versions, especially since these include security patches that protect against known vulnerabilities.
Don't download software from sources you don't know
Whenever you can, avoid downloading software from unofficial websites or of dubious reputation. If you have to download programs, always use reliable sources such as the Apple App Store or the developers' official websites to download applications.
Enable Gatekeeper Protection
Gatekeeper is a macOS feature that prevents installation of unsigned software, vetoing all software that is not certified.
To make sure it's enabled, go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General, and select «App Store and identified developers«.
Beware of emails and their “unreliable” links
Do not open emails from unknown senders or click on suspicious links, as phishing emails are a common tactic for distributing malware.
Use strong passwords and consider using two-factor authentication
Default, Always protect your accounts with complex and unique passwords, to prevent you from having all your accounts exposed in the event of a leak.
We also advise you enable two-factor authentication whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.