Remove the background from an image with these simple tricks

Remove the background from an image

Our iPhone has a tactic that you will like. Now you can remove the background from an image with a few simple tricks. You can get the most out of all the photos you once you needed to retouch, with a few simple steps that now provide you with some functions of your phone.

You can remove the background from a photo and remove everything you don't like, leaving only the people or objects that interest you. We have always known programs that could perform this function, among them the famous Photoshop, which required downloading the program and some knowledge to use said program. Now, you can do it from your phone with a few simple steps. Find out how to do it!

How can we remove the background from an image?

We can do it from the “Photos” application or creating an image in PNG format that we have to transfer to our file folder. For the passionate about photography, There are increasingly simpler and more accessible ideas. Remove the background in just one minute with these easy steps:

Remove background with trick 1:

  • Access the “Photos” application.
  • Click on the lower icon in the left corner. It is the button "Sharing", in the shape of a square with an arrow.
  • The social networks will be displayed where you have to share it. Now slide the screen up and click on the option “Save to Files”.
  • A series of folders will be displayed, if you don't know them, you can create one with the name “Photos without background”, it's an example. The idea is to create a photo inside this folder in PNG format. To create them, we click on the round icon with three dots. Will unfold "New folder" and we will create it.

Remove the background from an image

  • After we add said photo automatically inside this folder.
  • Now enter the application "Files" or look for the Files folder on your phone's home screen.
  • The folders you have and the one you have created will be displayed. If all the photos are displayed, choose the folder "To explore" that you will find in the lower right part of the screen.
  • Enter the folder we had created “photos without background” and display the image. Click on it until a large list of options appears. Look for the option “Quick actions”, access it and click on “Remove background”.
  • It will automatically remove the background and another photo will be created with the background removed.

Remove background with trick 2

There is another much simpler way and it will take you just a few seconds to do it. It's about opening the photo you want within the application "Photos" and follow a simple step.

  • Open the “Photos” application and find the photo you want to remove the background.
  • stay pressing your finger on the photo and it will automatically be cropping said photo.

Remove the background from an image

  • A series of options will be displayed as "snack" next to the photo. You can slide it to the left to view all the options offered.
  • In this case, we can give it again "Share", where the applications will be redeployed. We slide our finger down and search "Save files".
  • The folders will be displayed, we choose the one that interests us and we choose "Save".

NOTE: Do you know what you can do the same with a video? You can do it by pausing it. Press your finger on the subject and it will automatically crop.

  • We can give you the option "Copy" (same as in the photos) and paste it in an email, text message or note.
  • You can also touch the button "Share" and share it in Messages, Mail or AirDrop.
  • Continue tapping the subject, then with another finger, open a document in another app and drag the subject into the document.

Do you want to remove the background to make a sticker?

It is about doing practically the same steps and in a very simple way. We return to the application "Photos" and we enter the photo we choose.

  • We stayed pressing for a few moments and the subject will be cropped again. A bar will be displayed as "snack" above.
  • We slide said bar and choose the option “Add sticker”. It will be added automatically, you can even click on the sticker and the option will be displayed “Add effect” to be able to add some small color effect.

Remove the background in a few seconds with an online program

Remove the background from an image

In this case we will use a completely free online program. We enter our usual search engine and look for the words “Remove bg”.

  • We access the program and click on the blue box with the words "Upload image".
  • It will offer us the options "Sound library", “Take a photo” o "Select File". We choose the one that interests us.
  • In our case, we have chosen "Sound library" and we have chosen a photo. This photo will be displayed and we press on the word OK at the top right.
  • It will automatically remove the background and we will look for the option "To download" located at the bottom left of the screen.
  • We press again on "To download" in the bar that is displayed and then “Open in…”
  • The applications will be displayed, but if we slide our finger down, we can select the option that interests us most. In our case, we selected again “Save to Files” and we save it in a folder.

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