How to remove sound from video on iPhone and Mac

remove sound from videos

In this article we show you the best applications for remove sound from a video both on the iPhone and on the Mac. If any of the native functions that I show you in this article are not available in the version of iOS or macOS that you use, you can try the alternative applications that we indicate.

How to remove sound from a video on iPhone


The first option that we have at our disposal to remove the audio from a video on the iPhone is through the Photos app, so there is no need to install any application.

FOR remove audio from a video With the Photos application, we must perform the steps that I show you below:


  • First of all, we open the Photos application and select the video to which we want to remove the sound.
  • Next, click on the button Edit.
  • Then in the upper left, Click on the volume icon to remove it.
  • To save the changes, click on Ok.

You should keep in mind that you are modifying the original video, so, once you have shared the video that you have removed the sound from, I recommend that you revert the changes.


If the video to which we want to remove the audio, we are going to share it through WhatsApp, no need to resort to the Photos app and revert the changes, once we have shared it as I have shown you in the previous step.

Whatsapp, allows us to remove the sound from a video that we share through this platform without having to edit it previously with any application. Also, it doesn't affect the original video, so don't run the risk of forgetting to revert the changes and thus lose the original audio.


To send a video without sound through WhatsApp, we must perform the steps that I show you below:

  • We open the application, we go to the chat where we want share the video and we select it.
  • Next, a preview of the video will be shown that allows us to trim it and remove the sound.
  • In the upper left, the volume icon is displayed, on which we have to click to share the video without sound.
  • Finally, we click on the button Send.


If we want share multiple videos removing sound Previously, we can use Apple's iMovie application, an application that Apple makes available to all users completely free of charge.


As a good video editor, iMovie allows us to increase and reduce / eliminate the sound of a video. To carry out this action we must follow these steps:

  • The first thing to do is click on Create Project – Movie.
  • Then we select the video (or videos) to which we want to eliminate the sound and click on Create movie.
  • With the videos placed on the timeline, click on the video to show editing options.
  • To remove the volume, click on the Volume button and we slide the bar to the right.
  • Finally, we click on the button Done, located at the top left of the app.

The next step is to share the video through the platform we want. To do so, we go to the iMovie Home Page, click on the project and then on the button Share.

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mute videos

Mute videos - remove sound

A more than simple solution to remove audio from videos is to use the free application Mute Videos. This app we can remove a part of the sound from the videos, not all the audio from the video.

Although we can also do this with iMovie, the process is much more complex and laborious that if we use this free application.

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How to remove sound from a video on Mac


Photos Mac

Just like the Photos application for iOS allows us to remove the audio from the videos, the Photos app for macOS, also offers us this function.

FOR remove audio from videos on mac With the Photos application, we must perform the steps that I show you below:

  • We open the Photos application and press twice about the video to which we want to remove the audio.
  • Next, click on the button Edit located in the upper right corner of the application.
  • To remove the audio, we go to volume icon located right at the end of the timeline.
  • Once we have made the change, click on Save to keep the changes.

Like the iOS version, it is important revert the changes once we have shared the video if we just wanted to remove the audio to share it.


iMovie for macOS, like for iOS, also allows us to remove audio from videos. Like the iOS version, iMovie is also available for download. download for free.

iMovie - remove sound

  • We open the application and click on Create New – Movie.
  • Then we select the video to which we want to remove the sound (we can drag them to the application) and click on Create movie.
  • Next, we go to the right part of the application where we can preview the video.
  • To remove the volume, click on the Volume button.
  • Finally, we return to the main iMovie page (changes are saved automatically).

From the main page, click on the three dots to export the file in a new video to share.

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The VLC video player allows us to extract audio from video like remove it completely. To perform this last action, we must perform the following steps:

VLC - remove sound

  • Once we have opened the application, click on File – Convert / Issue.
  • Next, we drag the video from which we want to remove the audio.
  • In section select profile, click on Staff.
  • On the Audio Codec tab, uncheck the Audio box and click on Apply.
  • Finally, we establish the path where we want to store the video without audio and click on Save.

The generated file will have the format .m4v. You can download VLC for free through its official website by clicking on this link.

Cute cut

Cutecut - remove sound

If the version of macOS on your computer, not compatible with iMovie, you can choose to download the free version of CuteCut, a video editor supported starting from macOS 10.9.

This application, like iMovie, allows us to slide the volume bar of the clips that we copy in the application in order to Completely remove sound from a video.

When exporting the video, a watermark will be displayed of the application. If you want to remove audio from a video, quality is supposed to be the least of it, so a watermark won't be a big problem either.

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