Be more productive with these tricks for Macbook Air and Macbook Pro

Be more productive with these tricks for Macbook Air and Macbook Pro

When working with a laptop, it is important to know all the details and Possible tricks to make the most of your time that we pass in front of him, especially when doing such common tasks as being able to convert a pdf to word in just seconds, or import documents or photos from other Apple devices such as an iPad or an iPhone.

If you have a with a mac laptop and you want to increase your productivity When, for example, you are teleworking from home, stay here and take a look at these tricks for the MacBook which we summarize in a brief tutorial about how to optimize our hours to the maximum when we are using one of these computers.

Previous tips to be more productive on MacOS

Be more productive with these tricks for Macbook Air and Macbook Pro

The differences between both Laptops are very interesting to take into account, especially when you have certain doubts about which model is the most appropriate for you, depending on the use you are going to give it. However, whether you choose one or the other, if you want to familiarize yourself - if you have not already done so - with the environment of MacOS, below we are going to tell you about some small tricks that will help increase your productivity.

For example, if you are going to use a mouse on any of your apple laptops, It is advisable activate the right click or configure the gestures with the trackpad, since it greatly speeds up access to contextual menus, essential to be able to perform more common tasks, something very interesting for users who use these laptops in their work.

Another interesting tip to implement is to deactivate the automatic synchronization of the 'documents' and 'desktop' folders in your iCloud Drive, to avoid filling it unnecessarily, in addition to the automatic correction since sometimes it can cause unpleasant experiences if, for example, you write a text and you find words out of context.

Likewise, other actions you can take to be more productive on your Macbook Air and Macbook Pro, is to make sure that you deactivate the automatic start of many apps, like the Safari browser, to prevent the computer from slowing down when you turn it on, something that fortunately doesn't happen much on Mac, but it saves you a few seconds.

Top tricks to increase productivity with your Mac

Every Mac user who has a Macbook Air and Macbook Pro, now you can be much more productive with these little tricks, essential in everyday life, as well as simple, which offer the opportunity to save a lot of time and optimize such common and necessary tasks as much as possible, such as:

Convert a PDF to Word

Who hasn't ever needed to be able to edit text in a PDF and transfer it to Word? Now it is possible to do it without resorting to websites or applications, since it is possible convert PDF documents to Word format directly from your Mac.

To do this, you just have to use Google Drive, simply upload the PDF file to your account, open it with Google documents and then download it in Word format from the "file" menu. This method allows you edit the document simply and free of charge, without the need to use additional software.

Sign documents digitally

Formerly, the sign documents digitally It was a real odyssey, as well as a headache that frustrated many users. Fortunately that is over, since one of the best tricks for users of Macbook Air and Macbook Pro is to be able to create your signature by opening any PDF document or image and using the markup tools to access the signature option.

You can do this by taking screenshots and selecting the signature option in the markup tools. The created signatures are automatically synchronized between devices associated with the same Apple ID, which makes it easy to use on different platforms.

Once the signature is created, you can add it to your digital documents simply by activating the markup tools and selecting the desired signature, which you can move and position as needed. This simplified and efficient process helps users sign documents digital without the need to print them, offering a most productive and free solution.

Import documents or photos from an iPhone or iPad

One of Apple's strong points has always been to achieve perfect synchronization between all its devices, so if in addition to one of its laptops, you have an iPad or iPhone, you will be able import documents or photos from them in a fast, free and simple way.

To do this, simply connect your device - iPad or iPhone - to your Macbook Air and Macbook Pro via USB cable. Then, open the “Photos” app if you want to import images or “Finder” for other file types. In the Photos app, select the photos you want to import and click “Import Selected” or “Import All.”

For documents, navigate through Finder to the location of the files on your device and drag them to the desired location on your Mac. Once the transfer is complete, safely disconnect your device and you're done!

In short, with the above tricks, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro users can significantly increase their productivity, something essential if, for example, you work from home, where every second is important, and where knowing the tips, shortcuts and little tricks like the previous ones, is possible optimize hours to the maximum work and get the most out of any Mac laptop.

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