With each iOS update, a series of new features and functionalities arrive aimed at making life easier for the user, especially when they have to manage a large number of contacts in their agenda. For this, the implementation of contact posters It is without a doubt an interesting action that we will analyze in this article.
At the time we already saw how to be able copy contacts en iPhone quickly and easily, but now we are going to delve into the poster for contacts, what they are and how to put them on the iPhone, as well as how customize them when calling or receive calls on your iPhone. Below, we explain everything about this interesting novelty and what Tricks they can be used.
Many of the new features in each IOS update are focused on making day-to-day life as easy as possible, being the management and complete customization of the Contact information a clear example in terms of accessibility, simplicity and comfort.
Contact posters
Apple has taken customization a step further with the contact posters in the iOS 17 update, since it is now possible to assign a full screen image to the contact card, which will be displayed on your contacts' device every time you call them.
As if that were not enough, you can also set up a contact poster for a specific contact on your iPhone, and this poster will appear on your screen every time that contact calls you.
You have several customization options, such as photo posters with depth effect, Memoji posters, or even simple posters that only show the contact's initials.
This article will explain a brief and intuitive tutorial about these contact posters, some tricks on iPhone that are always good to know, and that are perfect for those users who want to quickly identify who is calling them on their phone, in addition to personalizing each of their calls with images. calendar contacts.
Tutorial on how to configure contact posters on iPhone
The first of all is that you need to know that this new feature is available with the latest updates of iOS 17, so if you have an older model of iPhone, you won't be able to enjoy it. Additionally, in order for other people to be shown these posters, you also need to have the latest updates. Below follow the steps to set up contact posters on iPhone.
- Opens «Contacts»: Head to the Contacts app on your iPhone.
- Select contact: Choose the contact for which you want to set up a poster.
- Edit the contact: Tap the edit button in the upper right corner.
- Set up the contact poster: Within the editing screen, look for the option that says "contact poster" or "contact image."
- Choose a type of poster: Select the type of poster you prefer, whether it's a photo with depth effect, an emoji or a simple poster with initials.
- Adjust and confirm: If necessary, adjust the image, background and other details according to your preferences. Then confirm the selection.
- Save the changes: Saves changes made to the contact information.
The best way to personalize contacts on iPhone
Now with the poster for contacts, it is possible to fully customize the contacts on our iPhone, since thanks to the fact that they can be edited we can give it a unique touch, and for example make different designs for each of the people on our agenda, whether they are family, friends or co-workers, for example.
Edit contacts
With the previous tutorial, where in just a few minutes you can edit contacts using images with different designs, as well as depth effects, and even the very fashionable ones Memojis "a kind of customizable avatars" or posters simple with initials, something very useful for example for older people who can now quickly identify who is calling them.
With this new implementation it is now possible to enjoy one of the improve iPhone tricks to personalize each contact, which also offers a wide variety of options, which allows us to give it that personal touch that is always sought, with the great advantage that now it will be possible to Faster caller identification.
However, keep in mind the Privacy when selecting images for posters and make sure your contacts are also using devices compatible with the latest iOS 17 update to fully enjoy this new feature.
The best option to edit your contacts on iPhone
In short, the contact posters that iOS 17 offers us are undoubtedly a great bet by Apple, as it continues to provide customization options to improve the user experience at all times.
Now, each call will be more visual and unique, reflecting your personal style, so experiment with different types of posters and make your calls more fun and personalized. Tired of the classic contact designs when you call or get a call? Well, discover this genius.