Would you like learn English at your own pace, wherever you want and in a pleasant way? Well, now it is possible to do so thanks to one of the most innovative resources in recent years, such as the use of podcasts to learn practically any topic, listening to them whenever we want from our iPhone, iPad or other Mac devices.
Now you have no excuses to master this language, thanks to 10 best podcasts to learn English in 2024 that we are going to propose to you below, that you can access them through the different audiobook applications that are currently available, all of them very interesting, comfortable and intuitive to use, which will allow you to perfect your English with all the guarantees. Here we go!
Learn English easily and at your own pace
Never before has it been so simple, comfortable and easy learn English, since before just seeing a dictionary of this language was already quite lazy, now thanks to new technologies, we can now install some of the most recommended on our iPhone or iPad apps to learn english.
Apps that allow us to access a huge amount of content, from vocabulary, conversations, etc., that will help us enormously to learn English in the easiest way, and in most cases without having to pay anything.
You can now forget about boring English dictionaries and books, since thanks to these best ten podcasts to learn English, you will be able to access numerous online resources at your own pace and based on your availability.
10 best podcasts to learn English
This 2024, the great variety and quality of podcasts available are impressive, so don't feel overwhelmed because we are going to summarize all of them in a list, specifically the one of the 10 best podcasts to learn English in 2024, each with its own approach and unique style, design, allowing you actions like change the language of the applications, comment with other users, and much more.
1. English Podcast from scratch
One of the first ones we recommend is English from scratch, ideal for those who are taking their first steps in the English learning. This podcast focuses on the fundamentals of the language, from the alphabet and pronunciation to basic grammatical structures. The episodes are designed to be accessible and easy for beginners to understand, providing a solid foundation to build more advanced language skills.
2. Story podcast on Duolingo
A well-known app among those who want to learn English, and which also offers episodes narrated in English, with the aim of improving the auditive comprehension and increase vocabulary. The stories are varied, allowing users to learn while enjoying at their own pace. Without a doubt one of the most recommended!
3. 6 Minute English Podcast
Another great option is this one produced by with the BBC, offers a fun and efficient way to improve English. Each episode features a conversation between two people on various topics lasting approximately six minutes. It also offers transcriptions and key vocabulary to help students, primarily, follow and understand the content.
4. English Learning for Curious Minds Podcast
A perfect podcast for those who enjoy learning about a variety of topics interesting while improving their English. Each episode focuses on different topics, such as history, science or culture, while teaching vocabulary and grammatical structures in context. This podcast is ideal for students who seek to perfect their English.
5. 6 Minute Grammar Podcast
Another of the podcasts offered by the BBC is this one that focuses more on English grammar through the use of episodes that address everything from verb tenses to pronouns and adjectives. With very practical examples and clear explanations, this podcast is perfect for those who are also looking to improve their fluency in English.
6. Podcast official English course
Prepared by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of Spain, this podcast offers talks on general culture adapted to different levels in English. Additionally, it provides explanations in Spanish to facilitate understanding of the topics that have been discussed. With support in Spanish, this podcast is especially useful for Spanish-speaking students who want improve your english.
7. Podcast Learn English Through Listening
Ideal for those who want learn essential expressions in English in specialized and more technical areas such as politics or finance. It is designed to help you speak English fluently and master more technical and specific vocabulary, making it very interesting for people working abroad in companies where English is essential.
8. For Your English Podcast
This podcast focuses on offering interesting topics in english such as urban legends, but also popular culture such as The Simpsons series or The Beatles, etc., so it is perfect for people who, for example, want to improve their listening and listening comprehension while listening to banal topics but that undoubtedly They are perfectly valid for learning this language.
9. Luke's ENGLISH Podcast
Ideal for those who want power learn english in a really fun way, entertaining and relaxed, this option is ideal since it mixes humor, pop culture and English lessons in each episode. From casual conversations to detailed explanations of aspects of the language, this free podcast It is ideal for those who want to start with an option in English for beginners.
10. English Dialogue Podcast
Last but not least, this podcast is also very interesting, as it features recordings of dialogues between native English speakers, with transcripts and detailed explanations to help understand the conversations. This podcast is especially useful for those who want to get familiar with different accents and styles of speech, especially Scottish, one of the most complicated.