How do I fix the Your iPhone has been severely damaged warning

Your iPhone has suffered severe damage

If your iPhone shows messages like “Your iPhone has suffered severe damage«, «Your iPhone has been hacked», «Your iPhone is infected», «A hacker is following his activity», «A large number of vulnerabilities have been detected», «You have an update pending»... nothing happens.

These messages invite us to solve a problem that doesn't really exist.

And I say that there is no problem, because one of the advantages that iOS has over Android is that iOS It is a completely closed ecosystem.

This means that you cannot install any application that has not been analyzed and reviewed by Apple and that is not in the App Store.

All these alarming messages are intended to invite the user to click on a link in order to solve it.

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Sometimes, that link invites us to install an app from the App Store (which has nothing to do with the supposed problem that affects our device).

Other links that they impersonate apple and they invite us to enter our Apple ID data, our credit card data... under the pretext of verifying that we are the legitimate owners of the device.

How do those messages get to my device?

These types of messages can reach our device through web pages, text messages with links, email attachments...

As I said, they are nothing more than messages that are displayed on our device mainly through the application Safari and our calendar.

Where are these messages displayed?

In the Calendar app

Your iPhone has suffered severe damage

One of the methods most used by friends of the alien when trying to deceive iOS users, is through calendars to which users subscribe without realizing it, believing that it is something else.

Although the method to add a calendar to iOS requires us to confirm personally the process, there are many users who, for different reasons, do not read the message and sign up.

The consequences of not reading clicking on any type of link are calendar alerts, alerts that can appear on our device every 30 minutes or less.

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This type of repetitive messages, for users with less knowledge, they quickly fall into the trap and click on the link that it includes to solve, once and for all, that alleged problem.

And I say supposed problems, because really, the only problem is that we have subscribed to a calendar without realizing it, a calendar that from time to time sends us a reminder as if it were a system message.

calendar subscription

The first thing we must do to check if these types of messages come from the calendar application is to open the application and check if any of the colors of the calendar do not correspond to the ones we have established.

Remember that Apple allows us use different colors in calendars to, at a glance, recognize to which calendar the event corresponds (work, family, friends, free time...).

calendar spam

If when opening the calendar, we see one or multiple annotations of the same message that the device is showing us, we must delete that calendar.

FOR delete calendar, we must perform the steps that I show you below:

  • Firstly, click on any of the events of the calendar that we want to delete.
  • Then, at the bottom, click on Cancel subscription to this calendar and in the next window we confirm that we want to stop receiving updates.

As you have been able to verify, the origin of this type of malicious message was the calendar application. our iphone at no time has he been infected.

There is no possibility of being infected because, unless your device is jailbroken, it is impossible to install applications on your device and much less downloaded from the internet.

The only method to prevent our device from showing this type of message again through the calendar is read all the messages that the system shows us when we click on a link.

At the moment, Apple is still working on a method that allows detecting the calendar spam, and for the moment, still without finding a solution.

In the Safari browser

Your iPhone has been infected

The other source of such messages is the Safari browser. This type of message usually appears when we visit movie and series download pages, and also those that include pornographic content.

You will ask yourself How do they know I have an iPhone? When we browse the internet, the browser communicates to the web through User Agent, the model and version of the browser that we use so that the web can display the content properly.

Knowing this information, the web will automatically display a personalized message for iPhone users.

The same thing happens if you access from an Android smartphone. The problem with Android is that it is not a closed ecosystem, so the risk of infection is much higher.

This message, which is nothing more than a browser popup, does not prevent us from changing the application or closing the browser.

If it really were a system message, like system update messages, Apple forces us to click on Ok in order to continue using the device.

how can i avoid it

Obviously, the easiest solution is not to visit these types of web pages. However, and unfortunately, we can also find this type of message in other types of web pages.

This is because advertising is managed automatically through Google AdSense, without the websites having decision-making power.

With each new version of iOS, Apple introduces new improvements in Safari to try to reduce popups that try to trick the user.

Safari popups

To check that our device is using those measuress, we must access the Safari Settings and verify that the following options are activated:

  • window lock
  • Fraudulent Website Notice
  • Advertising analysis that protects privacy

If not, you are already taking time to activate them.

How to avoid these types of messages

In addition to following the advice that I have shown you in each section, we must always install each and every update which Apple releases periodically. These updates include internal security and performance improvements. IOS updates

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