The 10 best mountain GPS apps for your outdoor excursions

The 10 best mountain GPS apps for your outdoor excursions

Our mobile devices play today a fundamental role when planning and carrying out outdoor activities. They can be used to obtain relevant data about the places you are going to visit, the weather predictions for that moment and of course, to better understand your situation on the map. Precisely today We will be talking about some of the best mountain GPS apps.

Thanks to these apps you can obtain a variety of maps with a large number of details about the terrain that you will include in your route. You can also find out which routes are preferred by other hikers and listen to their suggestions. Without a doubt, they are apps that you cannot do without to enjoy the experience to the fullest.

These are some of the best mountain GPS apps for your outdoor excursions:

Wikiloc Top 10 Mountain GPS Apps

The ideal application to explore some of the best-known routes for mountain hiking, all this in a precise and quite efficient way. You can also create new routes by yourself and share them with other hikers. Also Its useful offline mode allows you to use your GPS, you just have to download the maps beforehand.

The app is compatible with other Apple devices, such as your Apple Watch, although compatibility extends to other brands such as Garmin smart watches and other popular brands developing outdoor products.

dresser The 10 best mountain GPS apps for your outdoor excursions

Thanks to this application, each excursion becomes a unique adventure. It is no wonder, since its active community is constantly sharing routes, experiences and recommendations to make your outdoor activities more enjoyable. Its success has been so great that today it is one of the best GPS applications mountain and any route.

With this app you can:

  • Find on the map the favorite places of other hikers and mountain bikers, trial bikes and even bars and cafes to recover energy.
  • know the opinions and recommendations on specific routes and areas.
  • Activate GPS and record your excursions.
  • Add photos to the app, suggestions and favorite sites.
  • Download maps to use them later if the connection is not good.
  • If you use a bicycle, you can help yourself GPS voice guidance function so as not to lose your eye on the way.

Strava The 10 best mountain GPS apps for your outdoor excursions

The application comes prepared to bring together all the information about your favorite outdoor activities in one place. From running, cycling, hiking, walking, yoga, everything is covered in this app. You can keep track of your physical activity and routes and help you navigate places thanks to the GPS function of this application.

With Strava you can also:

  • Explore routes from other users that have been shared in the application.
  • Be part of the application community and Share your experiences with them.
  • Get advice and advice to train more effectively.
  • Share your location in real time with other users to be safer when hiking and walking.
  • The best thing is that this application is compatible with other devices like Apple Watch, Garmin Watch, Fitbit among others.

Topographic GPS The 10 best mountain GPS applications for your outdoor excursions

This is one of the best alternatives to OruxMaps, a popular GPS application for Android devices but unfortunately not available for iPhone. Topo GPS has topographic maps of practically all of Spain, which you can save and use without an Internet connection.

The effectiveness and precision of this GPS system used by the application is very good, varying in just 5 meters when weather conditions are favorable.

Gaia GPS The 10 best mountain GPS applications for your outdoor excursions

With the tools provided by this application, you can turn your iPhone into a portable GPS for all types of outdoor activities. Es Considered by many to be one of the best mountain GPS applications, Numerous media outlets have echoed its fame and good characteristics, such as Outside, New York Times and TrailRunner.

GPS Viewer  mountain gps apps

This application has very complete functions, providing a complete experience without the need to make additional payments and free of ads. You will be able to access your routes from various types of maps, depending on your preference:

  • Hybrid.
  • 3D satellite.
  • Open the street map.
  • OpenTopoMap.

On these maps you can find all kinds of important information, such as your current position thanks to GPS technology, start and end point of the route, as well as other points of interest for you.

Runtastic Altimeter

In this application you will find a series of really practical functions incorporated for outdoor activities. It has the functions of altimeter, compass, offers valuable meteorological information taken from weather stations near your location, sunrise and sunset times and of course, your exact position on the map thanks to GPS.

Download this application on your iPhone this article .

View Ranger View Ranger

This application has currently changed its name, being found in the App Store as Outdooractive. Which It has an impressive global database, Responsible for providing routes for hiking, cycling and other activities.

Each of the routes has added information about elevations, recommendations, photos and other hikers. A fun section of the app is the Challenges section, keeping you motivated and focused. You can earn all kinds of badges and challenges, even show them off in the app's community and among your friends through social networks.

AllTrails AllTrails

To close this small compilation of GPS apps for hiking in the mountains and other places, we couldn't help but make a special mention of this app. It is without a doubt one of the reference apps for those who enjoy doing outdoor activities, occupying a privileged place in the App Store. Users have excellent opinions about AllTrails, frequently leaving good reviews. 

Its most outstanding functions are:

  • Availability of more than 400 thousand trails and routes around the world.
  • Plan your next routes From the information that you can find in the application, save them to review them in the future.
  • Share your activities and grow the community on the app.

For your outdoor excursions you can use a compass, find out which ones are the best this article.

In this article We have talked about some of the most popular GPS applications for mountains and other places where you decide to do hiking and other activities. Let us know in the comments which of them was most useful to you.

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