Surely on more than one occasion you have memorized every last stanza of your favorite song, something that in the past required having to search for them on the Internet, on one of the different websites where the famous ones were shared. lyrics or "Lyrics" of each song, and which currently, thanks to the new technologies and functionalities of your iPhone, you can do in just seconds.
If you want to see the song lyrics and share them in a really quick and easy way with iPhone, stay here and learn how to do it to make the most of your music preferred. Learn to see the lyrics of the songs and share them with iPhone in a quick and easy way, and enjoy your favorite groups and artists.
music is healthy
In our moments of leisure, if there is one activity that generally excites everyone, it is being able to to listen to music everyone's favorite, humming the lyrics, being one of the healthier and more comforting activities that can be done, since they provide a large number of benefits at different levels. Something we can easily do with the app Apple Music.
For example, listening to your favorite music can be a balm of tranquility and relaxation, in addition to being a highly recommended source of mental and emotional well-being, which helps to be more animated. Listening to our favorite songs can reduce stress, improve mood and increase concentration, something especially useful if, for example, you work remotely.
Additionally, singing along with the song lyrics It can be a fun way to exercise your mind and strengthen your memory. Therefore, having access to song lyrics on your iPhone, in a simple and fast way, it is very interesting in case you don't remember or know them. Do you want to know how to do it?
Steps to view song lyrics on iPhone
To be able to see the lyrics of the songs and share them really quickly and easily with iPhone, you just have to follow these four steps, which will allow you view the lyrics of your favorite songs.
Open the application
The first step is to open the Music app on your iPhone, so if you can't find it, head to settings, apps and open it.
Select the song
Next, you must select the song you want to listen to and therefore, the one you want to display to see its lyrics, so you have to touch the player to expand it.
Touch the screen
The third step is to touch the playback screen, and swipe up to access more options. All that remains is to select to show lyrics of that song.
Select "Show lyrics"
Finally, you must select "Show lyrics" to see the lyrics of the song in real time, where you can see the famous "lyrics" of your favorite music track.
Instructions to view the credits of a song
If in addition to the lyrics of the songs, you want to be able to see the credits what's in them, you just have to follow these small instructions that we summarize in just four steps. Something very interesting, for example, to see who participates in a certain song, the year or what production company is in charge of a certain album by your favorite group.
play the song
The first step is to play the song in the Music application, so that you can access the features offered by the player.
Tap the player
Next, you must touch the player to expand it and be able to go to the top of it on your iPhone.
Swipe up
Inside the player, swipe up to access more options, where you can see the famous credits.
Select "Show credits"
Finally, you must select "Show credits" for your song, where you can see different details, such as the composers, performers, year of the song, and producers.
Sharing the lyrics of a song is very easy with iPhone
It may also happen that, apart from wanting to know the lyrics and details of a song, we want to be able to share it quickly and easily with our friends, so from the same application, without having to copy or paste, it is possible to share the song. lyrics of the song in a really comfortable way.
Open the application
The first step is open the application in Music on your iPhone and select the song you want to share.
Tap the player
Next, you must tap the player to expand it and access other features, including sharing.
Swipe up
The next step is just to swipe up to access more options, where you can see the sharing option. Share your music easily on your iPhone!
Select "Share"
Finally, you just have to select "Share" and choose the way you want to share the lyrics of the song, whether through messages, email or social networks. A simple and fast way to share your songs!
In short, with your iPhone you can not only easily access the song lyrics and see your lyrics, but also be able to share them with other people. An excellent way to enjoy your favorite music to the fullest, reading the lyrics of your favorite songs, so you can then sing them yourself, and get the most out of the music you listen to with your iPhone.