All about iPhone: 16 Release date models price colors and more

All about iPhone 16: Release date, models, price, colors and more

Apple It has been dominating the global technology scene for years. Their devices, especially the iPhone, are cutting-edge and synonymous with excellence in all corners of the planet. Every time we are close to the launch of a new iPhone, users remain aware of any minor news that is released. Today we bring you everything about the iPhone 16: release date, models, price, colors. All the details about the most anticipated smartphones of 2024 will be released.

The truth is that still There are several months left to experience firsthand the presentation and launch of these devices. There are already many rumors that are heard out there. We can't yet give an exact date on when this will happen, but they will surely exceed your expectations. We have decided to collect all this information that has been leaked about this new device, so that you can learn about some of the most anticipated features of these mobile phones, which in just a few months will be able to position themselves as the best in the international market.

When will the presentation of the new iPhone 16 occur?All about iPhone 16: Release date, models, price, colors and more

Everything indicates that the presentation of this new mobile phone, which Apple plans to turn into the company's new star, be presented this coming September. Although at the moment the exact moment in which this long-awaited event by the Apple company will occur has not been announced, It is expected to take place between the 10,11th, 12th or XNUMXth.

To make such a statement, it was enough for us to make a simple observation of the release dates of previous models of these devices in previous years which have generally occurred in the second week of September. Furthermore, as a curious fact, Historically these launches have never been carried out on Mondays or Fridays.

And although from experience of previous years, We can assure you that this is a pre-recorded event, it is still an event. Enthusiasts of new technologies and all those who work for any news media come to the event in Apple Park to spread the news.

The launch, just a few days after the presentation Apple

Usually The launch of the new iPhone occurs 10 days after the presentation. It is important to clarify that they are two completely different and separate events. In the presentation, all the features, new features and specific models that will be put on the market in the coming days are known.

Then, after approximately 10 days, then the clients of Apple can acquire one of these coveted and valuable devices. It is certainly too early to give exact dates, which further keeps us waiting for any clues or statements that Apple could provide.

What is expected to be new in these new models?

Most of the new features that Apple brings for these models that will be launched soon, They are of course related to their benefits., which some sincerely hope will mark a milestone in the history of the company.

Thanks to several reliable sources of information that have revealed some secret data and information, The following characteristics of them have been known::

Screen without major changes

It is not that the screen of these models does not look improved or with some changes, but it is true that they will not be so outstanding. And right now we have excellent screens on the iPhone 15, so the jump cannot be so significant from one model to another. The iPhone 16 and 16 Plus are expected to have panels with similar dimensions to their predecessors, that is, 6.1 and 6.7 inches.

On the other hand, the Pro models will increase this size diagonally by about 0.2 inches approximately. Of course, the iPhone 16 Pro Max will hold the title of the iPhone with the largest screen in Apple's history, which is certainly quite impressive.

Improved connectivity

Improvements like the 6 GHz triple band, with 320 MHz channels, as well as speeds of 40 Gbps. Also the ultra-stable streaming playback at 8K resolutions makes the entire issue of connectivity in the new iPhone 16 secure.


The details of the battery are still uncertain, what is expected is that of course, these are in correspondence with the characteristics of the new models and its powerful features. The batteries will be 3.400, 4.400, 3.500 and 4.500 mAh for the different iPhone models.


The iPhone 15 camera is truly exceptional, considered by many to be the best camera on a mobile device in the world. For now, the news in the iPhone 16 will not be so focused on the camera, since it is difficult to make such powerful changes in such a short time. The iPhone 16 and 16 Plus are expected to have two lenses, which will be the main lens and the wide-angle lens. Additionally, three cameras are expected: the main, wide angle and the tele lens camera.

The iPhone 16 Pro will have a LiDAR. In what if We cannot give certainty information related to the iPhone 16 Pro Max. since it is still completely unknown if a fourth lens will be added or instead the improvements will be focused on improving the performance of the iPhone 16 Pro camera.

Are the iPhone 16 Ultra rumors true?Apple

For quite some time there have been rumors about the possible launch of an Ultra device in Apple's extensive catalog. This rumor gained a special boost prior to the launch of the iPhone 15, in which expectations were too high regarding the subject. The truth is that we don't hear much about it anymore, at the moment The launch of the iPhone Ultra is not believed to occur on this line of the 16th.

The presentation and launch of Apple's new flagship devices are practically knocking on the door. This news keeps many lovers of the work of this company excited and waiting for any news. To please them, Today we bring you everything about iPhone 16: release date, models, price, colors and more. Let us know in the comments if you too are looking forward to this release.

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