Learn the iPhone and Apple Watch tips for sleeping | Manzana

Learn the iPhone and Apple Watch tips for sleeping

One of the factors that directly influences our health, it is the quality of our sleep schedules. Most technology companies include tools in their devices to help us and contribute to leading healthier lifestyles, such as Apple's Health applications and its Sleep modes. Learn the iPhone and Apple Watch tips to sleep well in this article.

Having a quality rest schedule will significantly influence our daily lives. There are many configurations and apps that these devices have so you can adapt them and use them to benefit your rest. You just have to know how to get the most out of each of them, and we can help you with that.

How many hours is it recommended to sleep? Learn the iPhone and Apple Watch tips for sleeping

There are numerous scientific studies that over decades of research, they have shown that sleep and having adequate sleeping habits directly influences physical health.

Of course, The sleep needs of an adult will not be the same as those of a baby. or a small child. At each stage of life, the body's demands are totally different, which will determine the hours that each person should rest and sleep. These are summarized as follows:

  • From 0 to 3 months old: They will need to sleep 14 to 17 hours up to date.
  • From 4 to 11 months: The recommended sleep schedule is 12 to 15 hours daily.
  • 1 to 2 years: From 11 a.m. to 14 p.m. 
  • Between 3 and 5 years: They will need to sleep around 10 to 13 hours each day.
  • From 6 to 13 years of age: It is recommended to sleep between 9 to 11 years daily.
  • 14 to 17 years: From 8 to 10 hours This is what is recommended for sleeping every day.
  • Between the 18 and 25 years: Specialists recommend sleeping a few 7 to 9 hours per day.
  • In the group of 26 to 64 years: The recommended schedule is 7 a 9 Hora.
  • Since the 65 years on: from 7 to 8 hours it is the ideal.

Another point that we must take into consideration is that although It is important to sleep the recommended number of hours, it is also important not to overdo it.. Sleeping too much can be just as damaging and harmful as getting enough sleep. In practice, it is important to know that a The average adult requires between 8 or 9 hours of sleep each day.

What are the iPhone and Apple Watch tips for sleeping well?

Set sleep schedules for each day

One of the most practical tips, will be to establish specific sleep schedules for each day of the week. For example, if you work during the week, you can establish a regular sleep schedule, this would be different from the schedule during the weekend.

For the different schedules that you are going to establish, you can take these considerations into account:

  • set a goal of the hours you want to sleep.
  • Define the time to wake up and go to sleep each day. Learn the iPhone and Apple Watch tips for sleeping
  • Choose a sound for alarm clock alarm.
  • Indicate at what times you want the dream focus be activated.
  • Set up the tool Sleep monitor.

Use the Health app Learn the iPhone and Apple Watch tips for sleepingLearn the iPhone and Apple Watch tips for sleeping

This is one of the most effective ways to lead a healthy lifestyle and have proper sleeping habits and customs. For keep more detailed monitoring of the quality of your sleep, you can do it by setting up this app on your Apple Watch. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the Health app from your iPhone.
  2. You must touch the Start option in the Configure Sleep section, after this, tap Next.
  3. Then you will have to follow some instructions on the iPhone screen. We have already stated these above.
  4. To finish, you can follow up on your dream if you previously synced your Apple Watch with your iPhone.

Track your sleep Apple

This can be done either through your iPhone or using your Apple Watch. The latter will allow for stricter control, since it monitors your vital parameters and other data of interest even when you sleep.

How can you access your sleep history?

  1. Access the Health app on your iPhone will be the first step.
  2. Press on the Browse option at the bottom of the iPhone screen.
  3. Then you will do Click on the Sleep section.
  4. Here you will get a lot of fairly detailed information about your schedules sleep data and other data that is collected while you sleep.
  5. You can consult a summary of the information daily, weekly and even monthly.
  6. In the section "Show more sleep data" You will have access to other aspects that are also collected, such as: Phases, Times, Vital signs during sleep.

Remember that to consult this information directly on your Apple Watch, you need to go to the Sleep app on this one. To view the information, just turn the digital Crown.

Wear Apple Watch Apple Watch

We already mentioned that if you use the Apple Watch you can collect valuable and more detailed information. For this do the following:

  1. The first will be open the Watch app on your iPhone.
  2. Press the tab called My Watch and then Dream.
  3. Finally, tap on "Monitor sleep with my Apple Watch."

Dark Mode can help

Dark mode

The popular Dark Mode is widely used by millions of users around the world. The fundamental function of this mode is to reduce the so-called blue light, which all mobile devices emit normally and which decreases the secretion of melatonin. This directly affects normal sleep cycles.

How to activate it?

  1. Go to the Settings app from your iPhone.
  2. Select the Screen and brightness section.
  3. Click on the Dark option to activate this mode.
  4. You can configure to activate automatically.
  5. This will be through the Screen and brightness section itself, only in the Automatic option.

Sleep is one of the basic needs of the body, It is absolutely necessary to maintain adequate sleeping habits. If you want to maintain a good state of physical and mental health, learn the iPhone and Apple Watch tips for sleeping. Let us know in the comments what you think of the tools that the developers of these devices make available for the well-being of their customers.

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