iPhone 15 problems: learn how to fix them yourself

iPhone 15 problems

It has been out for several months and some users have already reported a series of iPhone 15 problems, which, although the vast majority are usually easily fixed, it is important that you know about them in case you have suffered them.

So if you want to know what the most frequent iPhone 15 problems are, we invite you to continue reading this article, where we will talk about the most common problems in the phone's charging system, the famous problem of overheating and loss of color. on the edges and back of the terminal.

Problems related to the iPhone 15 charger

How to choose the best portable chargers for iPhone

We all know that the iPhone 15 uses a USB type C connector, which is much better than the microUSB we used before. Even so, there are certain problems that are linked to this type of charging connector that can also affect our iPhone 15.

Physical damage to the charging connector itself

USB-C connectors can suffer physical damage due to mishandling, rough connections and disconnections, or excessive bending in the cable, which may result in breakage of the connector or damage to the interior of the cable.

Also, if there is damage inside the cable or connector, there could be electrical problems that I think do not need to be highlighted in the damage that could end up causing your phone.

To avoid this, I think it is more common sense than anything: avoid sudden movements while you are charging it, drops of the mobile itself that cause the connectors to bend or break, or in general, bends or forced angles in the phone itself. charging connector.

Unstable connections: broken cables or dirt are your enemies

If the USB-C connector or port on the device becomes damaged, or becomes filled with dirt, connections can become unstable, resulting in intermittent interruptions in charging or data transfer, or even failure to recognize the device.

We have already talked about damage before, but I would like to make special mention of dirt: although USB-C are less prone to getting lint in them compared to Lightning, which was a black hole of grime, they can also be damaged. dirty.

If you see what happens to you, With compressed air and a toothbrush you can clean it without much difficulty and quite safely.

Choosing the wrong charger and charging cable

One of the most common errors that can occur with chargers and even more so with USB type C, which is considered a “standard”, is that all cables and chargers are the same.

And nothing could be further from that friends, since not all USB type C cables are the same. Some cables may not be able to handle certain power or voltage levels and may even have specific cable requirements for functions such as data transfer or video output.

Depending on how the manufacturer does it, the device might need more or less power to charge, so It is important that we charge our iPhone with approved chargers or at least, that they can deliver the same voltage and amperage that the original charger should supply.

If you go over the amperage, nothing happens, since the phone usually picks up. “what you need” and you will simply be underusing a charger. But in the case of voltage it is much trickier, since Charging an iPhone with a higher voltage can mean the direct death of your phone due to damage to its circuits.

Another special mention has Cheap unofficial chargers, which can pose security risks, such as the risk of short circuits, overheating and, in extreme cases, fires. So, as far as possible, we always recommend using official and approved charging accessories.

iPhone 15 overheating

iPhone 15 overheating

Another of the big problems that has been attributed to the iPhone 15 is a problem derived from a overheating, since at first there were quite a few complaints that the terminals showed excessive temperature when doing certain tasks, especially when sleeping.

We are not going to delve much into the topic either, since a few months ago we did an article in which we explained the problem of overheating and some concepts related to dissipation and thermal efficiency, so we invite you to read it this article if you are curious about the topic.

Although it is suspected that the problem is a poor thermal design of the device, Apple "patched" it by lowering the performance of the processor with a software update, so a priori This problem should not be affecting you today.

If, even with the updated software, you are having overheating problems on your iPhone, we advise you to go to the warranty since more than likely you are suffering from some type of fault of a different nature that should be checked.

Degradation in casing color

the most common problems on the iPhone 15 and how to solve them

One of the points that have caused some stir on the networks is that of users saying iPhone's titanium alloy casing is fading over time. And this, as incredible as it may seem, is a totally normal process.

Anodizing titanium is an electrochemical process that creates an oxide layer on the surface of titanium, which improves corrosion resistance and provides decorative colors, depending on voltage used in anodizing. However, Grease and oils from the skin can affect the appearance of titanium over time.

Grease and oils from the skin can accumulate on the surface of the titanium and, over time, could contribute to the loss of shine or anodized color. All this without also taking into account the chemical substances present in some skin care products, such as lotions or creams, which could also have a negative effect on the color of the phone.

The solution according to Apple? Basically, Periodically clean your phone with a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth, which will end up returning the normal color of your iPhone.

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