iPhone can be used by older people thanks to iOS 17

iPhone can be used by older people thanks to iOS 17

In conjunction with the launch of iOS 17, the most recent update to Apple's operating system for its smartphones, Many features and tools are available. Today we will talk about a function that will allow you iPhone can now be used by older people, thanks to iOS 17, We refer to Assisted Access mode. A tool developed for seniors, but also for others with special needs.

This is a powerful and practical tool for all those with special needs, regardless of the cause. It will allow simplified access to the different applications on your iPhone., thanks to the adaptation of the mobile to your needs and demands. We will give you some ideas on how you can get the most out of this function and also facilitate the navigation and use of your mobile device.

Your iPhone can now be used by older people thanks to iOS 17 iPhone can be used by older people thanks to iOS 17

In this version of the iOS operating system, older people can make adjustments and changes to the size of items of your screen, which will significantly improve visibility. It will be much easier and more comfortable to access the apps.

This is thanks to a new mode available on iPhones with this version of the operating system, called "Assisted Access." This is intended, as we already mentioned, for older people. and also to anyone with some type of visual impairment.

What exactly is Assisted Access?

We all know that older people can sometimes find it difficult to use new technologies, especially their smartphones. Apple is aware of this, and precisely for this reason it launched this distinctive feature of the iPhone. It, as we already mentioned, provides its users with a more simplified experience, with a simple interface.

How can Assisted Access be set up? Apple

If the older adult cannot configure it by themselves, It is recommended that a family member or caregiver do it for him, You can also go to Apple technical support for this. This person You must know the senior's details such as their Apple ID, password and also the device code. In addition to the apps you will use most frequently for easy access.

When you take these aspects into consideration, then follow the next steps:

  1. Go to the iPhone Settings app and then to the Accessibility section.
  2. Locate the Assisted Access section and select the Configure Assisted Access option.
  3. Press the button Continue.
  4. You will then be prompted to Enter the Apple ID. Try to have it within reach before starting the configuration process.
  5. Finally, you will be able to choose a position for the applications on the iPhone home screen.
  6. These can be in Rows (the apps are organized in a list) or grid (the items will be larger and stand out even more)

How to choose a screen layout?

  1. You need exit Assisted Access mode in case this is active.
  2. Then go to the Settings app and then to the Settings and Accessibility menu.
  3. In the Assisted Access section choose between Rows or Grid options according to your preferences.

How to customize assisted access?Apple

As soon as this function of the iOS 17 operating system has been correctly configured, all that remains is to customize it and adapt it to your preferences. Make a selection of the applications you use the most To add them to Assisted Access mode, you have to click on the "More" option and then choose the desired apps.

You have to know that it will be necessary to add a code for Assisted Access, which will give you the possibility of entering and leaving it whenever you want. Use your Apple ID and password as a backup to easily enter or exit this mode.

How to disable Assisted Access on your iPhone?

Of course this is not something permanent, therefore, It will be totally possible to enter and exit it with relative ease.

Follow these simple steps listed below:

  • Hold the cell phone with your hands, and touch the side button three times (this is on phones with Face ID)
  • Tap on the iPhone home button, and then insert the assisted access code that you previously configured.

How to add the Messages app to assisted access mode?

  1. You must first exit assisted access, if this was previously configured and you are using it (to do this you must do as we mentioned previously)
  2. Following, Go to the Settings app, then to the Accessibility option.
  3. In the Assisted Access section, choose the Manage apps option and then Messages.
  4. In this app, you will have to make the changes and adjustments that you want to use in the app when it is used.
  5. The different options offered to you They will be focused on the people to whom messages can be sent, from whom they can be received and others similar.

Is this iOS 17 feature really useful?

Definitely yes, this is a feature that can greatly help the relationship between older adults and new technologies. They often have a hard time seeing the small screen icons, options and routes on their devices.

It will offer you facilities to send or receive messages, receive phone calls(and of course, adjust each of the aspects of these) take photographs and many other functions that are very common and necessary when using mobile devices.

Furthermore, as we mentioned, it is not only necessary for older people, but also for those who have some type of visual or cognitive disability and their requirements are special.

Apple has decided to continue adding new inclusive functions to its catalog. This time it has presented us with a function that means that your iPhone can now be used by older people, thanks to iOS 17. Thanks to Apple's assisted access mode, each element on the screen will be larger, your functions will be better defined, so knowing what to do will be clearer than ever. Let us know in the comments what you think of this new way and how it can be made the most of in different situations.

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