How to transfer your photos from Google Photos to iCloud?

how to transfer your photos from Google Photos to iCloud

If you feel that Google Photos It no longer meets the necessary requirements to store your photos more safely and comfortably., or if you're simply switching from Android to Apple, you may need to transfer all of these images in a reliable way. In today's article we show you how to transfer your photos from Google Photos to iCloud, so that you can do it in the shortest time possible and without losing information.

Something that causes us a lot of anxiety when changing mobile devices is the possibility of losing important files, such as our photos. But you should not worry, since there are several ways that will ensure that this transfer is carried out successfully. All you have to do is evaluate the advantages of each one, and choose the one that best suits your needs.

How to transfer your photos from Google Photos to iCloud? how to transfer your photos from Google Photos to iCloud

Apple has contributed a direct way to transfer photo library to Google Photos from Apple, but unfortunately there is no direct process in the opposite direction.

Therefore, we have to download the photos from Google Photos and as soon as we have them on the computer, import them into Apple Photos Library. Therefore, it is important that you have a Mac or Windows PC to carry out this process.

These are the necessary steps to follow: Apple

  1. First download your photos from Google to the computer. The best thing you can do to download all Google Photos is to go to the Google Takeout website.
  2. In the page, it is possible to access all the data you have in your service, including Google Photos.
  3. Select all by clicking Uncheck all, and search for Google Photos and check it.
  4. Then go to the bottom of this page and Click the Next Step button.
  5. Google offers you the opportunity to download all photos from various compressed files, and select the size of each of these files.
  6. Choose the option export everything at once, the .ZIP format and the size you prefer.
  7. At this point, you just have to Press the Create Export button. Google will generate the file download.
  8. As soon as everything is ready to download, you will receive an email to your email address with download links.
  9. The process also it may take some time, depending on what your photo library occupies.

Once your photos have been downloaded from Google Photos, we'll move them to iCloud:

  1. When you receive the email and download all the photos, which we recommend that you make sure you have enough storage space on your Mac, just Move all of these photos to Apple's Photos app.
  2. These are added to the photo library, if iCloud is activated on it, all the New content will be uploaded to the Apple cloud.

If you're not sure if you have Photo Library turned on, you can check it in your system settings. iCloud

To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to Apple System Settings, Apple ID, and Check if the Photos field is activated.
  2. This way, all the photos and videos you have obtained from Google Photos to Apple Photos sync directly with iCloud.
  3. To end this path, keep in mind that you must have enough space for all the photos that you can easily store with iCloud.
  4. Apple gives you 5 GB for this free of charge, but you can have more storage space for 0.99 euros per month.

If you have Google Photos installed on your iPhone, do the following: how to transfer your photos from Google Photos to iCloud

  1. Launch the Google Photos app from your iPhone. If it gives you a request message to activate backup, you should not grant access.
  2. Then, locate the Album section in the application. Your photo gallery is saved there, then select each of the photos, that is, you must choose the photos you want to keep in your iCloud.
  3. Finally, Tap the Share symbol at the top and select the Save Images option.
  4. This way all the marked photos will be saved on your cell phone and in your iCloud.

How can you move Google Photos by iCloud download and upload method?

If you only have a few images you want to transfer from Google Photos to iCloud, the easiest way to download and upload them manually is this:

  1. As a first step head to Google Photos and register with your account.
  2. Then find photos and files that you want to migrate from Google Photos to iCloud.
  3. Then select the three dots in the upper right and select the download button, or you can also click Shift + D on the keyboard, to download the photos and videos to your computer.
  4. When you do this go to your iCloud on the web and select the photos symbol.
  5. Then click on the loading symbol from above, and load what you downloaded from Google Photos.

How to transfer Google Photos on computer without downloading to iCloud?

If you want to use this method to move all your Google Photos to iCloud Photos, All you have to do is access the official site of MultCloud in any of the existing browsers, and once there, do what we explain below:

  1. First it is necessary register in MultCloud, this is totally free.
  2. After doing this go to the cloud, you need to add Google Photos or iCloud Pictures by clicking each symbol.
  3. When you're done, click Transfer in the cloud, and select Google Photos as source photos and iCloud Photos as target.
  4. Finally, click on the Transfer now option.

Is iCloud superior to Google Photos?Apple

iCloud and Google Photos They have an extraordinary web interface for users to upload photos and videos from computers to cloud storage. However, if you use Mac, iPhone, or iCloud, your image will always upload to iCloud from the photo app.

On the other hand, iCloud is not compatible with Android, so they cannot sync or make a backup copy automatically. You must manually upload photos to iCloud on your Android device browser.

Google Photos only allows storage of photos, while iCloud, allows users to store all types of data, from files, photos, messages and more.

In terms of storage plans, iCloud and Google photo storage services are good. However, Google Photo offers larger storage for free packages. With Google Photos, you will have 15GB for free, while iCloud only offers 5GB free storage to store data.

In case you want to be part of Apple users, You will need to find the most complete way to preserve your images without suffering unexpected losses. We hope that in today's article you have learned how to transfer your photos from Google Photos to iCloud. If you think we should mention anything else, let us know in the comments.

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