How to Spy on your WhatsApp contacts and find out whenever they are online

First of all tell you that spying is wrong…. But hey, there are times when you can't help it, and you need to know if someone is hiding something from you.

One of the most used communication methods of our time is WhatsApp, it will be better or worse than other options, but it is the one that everyone uses, so it is the benchmark. If you want to know the connection habits of any of your contacts, you will have to download OnlineNotify, un Cydia's tweak with which we will be able to know immediately when a specific contact is connected, when you are writing to us and when you disconnect, all without having to be inside the application to see it.

Online Notify will send you a notification when a specific contact connects to WhatsApp, it does not need to be in a conversation with you, when the Tweak detects that the status of that contact has changed to Connected, You will receive a notification warning you on your lock screen, in the notification center and in the WhatsApp App itself, even if you are not on that person's Chat screen.

It also tells you quickly, on the WhatsApp favorites screen, how many contacts are connected at that moment, we will know why it will incorporate a green bar next to the contact photo.



Once you download the Tweak you will see a new icon in your iPhone settings that will allow you to configure it. In WhatsApp's own settings (within the application), you will see a new button, in the upper left part of the screen, which will allow you to access the selection of contacts you want to monitor.

A switch is also installed in the notification center that allows you to silence the Tweak completely, if you have a lot of people added for notifications it can be crazy, with this switch you can give yourself a break from spying.

The price of spying on WhatsApp….

For the Tweak to work correctly, WhatsApp must be always active. When we put our iPhone to rest, after a few minutes, the system turns off the Wifi, and the applications are disconnected, therefore we will not know when our spies connect or disconnect. But there is a solution, install another Tweak called Insomnia, with it we will ensure that our connection does not turn off even if we put the iPhone to sleep, in this way we will continue to receive notifications of Online Notify without problems, although that is, our battery will suffer the consequences and the autonomy time of our iPhone will be reduced.

You should also take into account that with this Tweak Our WhatsApp status will always be Connected, even if we are not using the App.

In short, they are minor problems if you really want to know the WhatsApp usage habits of any of your contacts, surely many of you will gladly pay for them.

You can get Online Notify from the BigBoss repo, slope 1,99$ and works with iOS 8 and the whatsapp version 2.11.14, If you download it, use it with caution and try not to argue too much with your girlfriends, throwing them in the face of what they were doing connected to WhatsApp at 3 in the morning…..

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      Vic said

    I can't find the app!!!

      Jose said

    Sometimes the notifications do not give any solution