How to easily speed up your 5G connection on your iPhone?

How to speed up your 5G connection in a simple way

The 5G network is undoubtedly the favorite of Internet users because it offers great benefits, highlighting the connection speed to which we access with its use. But sometimes it can become somewhat slow and affect the operation of your mobile device, although you should not worry because the solution is often within your reach. In today's article we show you how speed up your connection 5G made easy.

This powerful network, like all the ones we know, also depends on many external factors, which most of the time are the cause of its incomplete functioning. Fortunately, to solve this problem you only have to inform yourself of the Easier ways to make 5G meet your expectations again. In most cases you will not need to resort to any service technician to achieve this, which is a great advantage.

How can you easily speed up your 5G connection?

One of the first things you should do is check your mobile network settings, as a failure can occur due to incorrect network settings. To verify this information, You must enter the Settings menu and then go to Connections/Mobile networks. Once you find the information, call your mobile service provider to verify if the settings you entered are correct or if any changes need to be made.

Sometimes, in very closed rooms and full of various elements that can act as obstacles, whether walls or other electrical devices, signal interference may occur. That's why it's important to look for a window, open space, or higher ground to prevent obstructions from affecting the operation of your device.

Depending on our operator, we will have to consult the coverage map, which currently highlights the implementations in Spain from companies such as Vodafone, Movistar, Orange, Yoigo and MásMóvil. TOYes, we should check this before ensuring that it is a problem with mobile 5G.

Something that can also help is keep your mobile phone charged. It is important that your mobile device has at least a 30% charge level since a low battery can affect the functionality of your mobile, and therefore its connection capacity.

What other equally simple alternatives can help us improve the connection?

As with other electronic equipment, sometimes just turning the terminal off and on or restarting it is enough to solve problems. You can also try removing and inserting the SIM card since the network depends on the operator, the configuration of the mobile phone and the SIM card. For this reason, the best thing to do is turn off the phone, remove the card from the slot, and reinsert it. Entering the PIN again and checking if the network is working or not.

Apart from needing a compatible phone, we will need to contract our line and network with the operator that offers us the 5G connection. It is of no use to us have a mobile phone with the right technology but no network provider that allows us to take advantage of it, so both will have to meet these requirements for it to work correctly.

If your mobile phone does not connect to 5G, try changing the network mode to a lower one, such as 4G or 3G, and then switch back to 5G. This can force the cell phone to search for the best available signal. Usually you can connect to 4G, but You can connect to 5G if the signal strength is good.

Alternatively Check if we have any pending software updates. Mainly because there may be a patch that eliminates some connection errors.

La mobile phone case may interfere with the signal in some cases, so removing it can be quite useful, it is quite simple.

What are the requirements to access the 5G network?

  • You must have iPhone 12 model or newer versions.
  • It is important that you have a operator that supports the 5G network.
  • No less important is the need to access a 5G mobile data plan.
  • If your new iPhone has a physical SIM card or an eSIM, use that SIM. Otherwise, use the SIM card from the previous iPhone.
  • In some cases, you may have to Contact your operator to configure the SIM card from your old iPhone to use it with a 5G network.

With the iPhone 12 iPhones with connection to 5G networks arrived on the market. These networks allow us to achieve a significant increase in speed, but they also place a greater burden on our battery. To maintain a good relationship between these two aspects, you must use the mobile data connection settings.

You can easily change them by following these steps:

  1. We first open the Settings app on our iPhone, where we must access mobile data.
  2. We touch on Options and we enter Voice and data.
  3. Here we have three options, which are: 5G activated, 5G automatic and 4G. The first of these alternatives ensures that our iPhone uses the 5G connection when it is available.
  4. Depending on how the connection is used, this may result in increased battery consumption, but guarantees the highest possible speed.
  5. If the 5G network is not displayed in the status bar you should contact your wireless service provider to confirm that it supports 5G, and that youenga a mobile data plan also compatible with 5G.

How can you choose how the iPhone uses the 5G network?

5G car

Smart data mode is activated. If 5G speeds don't provide a noticeably better experience, iPhone will automatically switch to LTE, saving battery.

The icon 5G appears depending on settings of the operator's network and, in rare cases, may appear even when 5G coverage is not available.

5G activated

The 5G network is always used if available. This may shorten battery life.


I only know uses the LTE network, even if the 5G network is available.

If you notice that your 5G network is not going as fast as it is supposed to, and this is becoming a frequent problem, the most important thing is that you try to find the cause of this as it often has a fairly simple solution. We hope that in this article you have learned how to speed up your 5G connection in a simple way. If you think we should add anything else, let us know in the comments.

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