How to see all passwords saved in iCloud Keychain [Abrakadabra 94]

Hello friends and welcome to one more installment of Abrakadabra, the section of tricks for iphone most famous of the world Blogosphere.

El ICloud Keychain It is one of the best inventions of iOS 7, It is the best way to save time when entering passwords in the different sites that we visit throughout the day. But it has a catch, you can only access this feature if you are using an Apple product that is yours and has this feature activated. In my case, I work daily with my iPhone, my iPad and my iMac, but I also have a PC (Yes friends, I confess it).

When I'm on my PC I don't have access to iCloud Keychain, but luckily I always carry my iPhone with me and if I need to look at a specific password I can do it easily, in this Abrakadabra I'm going to show you where all those passwords are stored and how you can check them in case of need.

How to check iCloud Keychain passwords from iPhone

Seeing iCloud passwords from your iPhone or iPad is very simple, follow these steps.

1- Enter Settings

iOS 7 Settings

2- Scroll down until you see safari and tap on the icon


3- Now tap on Passwords and AutoFill


4- Now we have to enter the section of Saved Passwords


5- Now you will be seeing a list of all the services in which you have saved the password with the iCloud keychain, select the one you want to see. You will have to enter your 4-digit password to access the information.


6- You already have all the information on the screen; The website, username and password.


And that's it, it's that easy to check all the passwords in the iCloud Keychain. Did you know?

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      Montse said

    Good afternoon! Excuse me, if my iPhone was stolen, can I recover all the information from my keychain on a PC?

      Patrick said

    And......the Wi-Fi ones. How can I see them?
    As I understand it, the keychain also stores the Wi-Fi ones. But are you where I see them, friend?

      Oliver said

    Hello, can this work with the passwords of facebook, twitter, etc.? I have updated iOS and I don't get any saved password from the many pages where I logged in. Could you help me?

         diego rodriguez said

      Hi Oliver, you need to have iCloud Keychain turned on. The passwords are only saved for Safari, if you enter the iPhone application of the different social networks that you comment on, you will have to put them by hand, but from Safari it will save them for you.

      To see if you have the iCloud keychain activated go to Settings / iCloud, in the list of services you will see one called key chain, if it is not activated, enter that option and activate it, from that moment on, every time you have to enter a password, the iPhone will ask you for permission to save it or not, if you give it to it, it will remember it for subsequent occasions.

      enrique said

    I want to cancel all the passwords because I don't remember

      Mike said

    …And I forgot the iPhone password… 🙁

      Hell said

    Hello, I would like to ask, I lost my hotmail password and I can only use email through the iPhone, how can I see my email password through the iPhone since I cannot access it and I have lost everything else?

         DiegoGaRoQui said

      If you don't have it saved in your iCloud keychain, you can't see it Heli.

      Natalia said

    Hello, I have activated the keychain, however it still does not save my passwords

      Daniel said

    thanks a lot for the help mate

      lucy said

    Hello, I tried but I couldn't, I get a blank screen, what can I do about it?

         DiegoGaRoQui said

      Hi Luci, do you have iCloud Keychain enabled? Check it in Settings/iCloud/Keychain