How to put the lyrics of the songs in the iPhone music app

When we open the music application on our iPhone we all like to see the album art of the song we are listening to, we take special care to have them, but you can still complete the experience much more if you add song lyrics to iPhone.

Despite being a fairly simple process, it is not intuitive at all, and it is possible that you did not find it, or simply did not even know that it was possible. show song lyrics on iPhone while you play them, With this simple tutorial you can do it in a few minutes.

How to Add Song Lyrics to iPhone

It is very easy to view song lyrics on iPhone, follow these steps.

Step 1- Open iTunes on your computer and search for the song to which you want to add the lyrics. In our case we are going to do the tutorial with treacherous butterfly de Maná, that we already have it synchronized but it doesn't have the lyrics.

* To find the song click on the icon of the musical note, then on My Music and finally enter the name of the song in the search box. You will find all this in the top bar of iTunes.

song lyrics on iphone

Step 2-  Now that we have the song controlled in iTunes, we right click on it and select the option Get information.

song lyrics on iphone

Step 3- We select the Lyrics tab

song lyrics on iphone

Step 4-  Now we need the text of the lyrics of the song, the easiest thing is to go to Google and write (In our case) Letter treacherous butterfly. Enter the search result that you like the most and copy the letter.

Step 5- Now go back to iTunes and paste the lyrics you just copied into the text box on the tab Letter. You should have something similar to the screenshot below, when you do, tap on the accept button.


Step 6-  With the iPhone connected to the computer, tap on the iPhone section of iTunes, then hit the sync button at the bottom right of the screen.


Step 7-  On your iPhone make sure you have enabled the option information and letter  from the music app settings, to check it follow this path:

1- Enter the iPhone settings.

2- Scroll down a bit until you see the music App icon and tap on it.

3- Make sure you have marked the information and music option, as you see in the screenshot below.


Step 8- All that remains is to check how the work is, enter the iPhone music app, search for the song and start playing it, on the playback screen tap on the album cover and…. Voila!, there you have the letter that you just put….


As you can see, the process is very fast, you can repeat it with all the songs you want from your music library and that way you will have them perfect.

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      Cra$hZon£ said

    If you use Mac you can also use the Get Lyrical app, it's free and it automatically adds the lyrics to each song from the iTunes library or the ones you have selected at the moment, you just have to have the song identified with the name and artist on the iTunes library, this way you save doing it song by song.