The iPhone cameras are recognized for their excellence, allowing those who know how to make the most of them to obtain very good results. Today we will talk to you about how to set the camera grid iPhone, a tool that will help you achieve greater symmetry and balance in your photographs.
Activating this camera option is quite simple, plus we will give you a simple guide to get more benefits from a seemingly simple function but with a universe of options to discover. Don't think that you will need to be a photography expert to be able to implement them, since with just basic knowledge and interest in learning, everything will be very easy for you.
Get perfect photos with the grid
This is a quite practical option that your iPhone's camera has had for several updates to the iOS operating system. It basically consists of a set of lines that overlap forming a grid on the screen, made up of nine spaces.
This tool is mainly used for take photos where symmetry and aesthetics predominate of the image is clean and more organized, so to speak. Using this tool will undoubtedly make the photographs and videos you take look quite professional.
How to put the iPhone camera grid?
This option will include both grid and level function. Both will be of great help if you want to achieve better photos on your iPhone.
To activate it, do the following:
Go to the Settings app from your iPhone.
Look for the camera section, to do this slide your finger on the mobile screen.
Here, you must activate the Grid option.
To test this function, then go to the Camera app to take a photograph.
Grids will be displayed on the screen that will be a very practical guide so that the photo is in perfect alignment.
Also you can align the level that appears in the center of the screen so that the image is perfectly centered.
Of course, in a more simplified way you can activate the grid option directly from the app Camera of your mobile. Enter said app and then access Camera Settings to activate the Grid option. This way it will be very simple and easy to use.
Rule of thirds, how to apply it?
The rule of thirds is something quite well known in the world of photography. It is not that it is strictly necessary to apply it, although if you want to add a more professional style to your photographs, you can try this technique.
The same precisely requires the Grid function, so it will be very useful to take advantage of. Basically, it consists of leaving the main object of an image in the left or right third of it. The other two thirds must be cleared.
Clear You should not always place the object of interest in the outer third of the image, since the rule of thirds can be applied in other ways. Although this first one is the most used, you can choose to place the protagonist of your photograph on the intersection points of the grid.
All of these are photography tricks that millions of photographers (amateurs and professionals) apply in their daily lives. But don't think it's a general rule, in fact, you can experiment and create incredible results exploring the Grid option on your iPhone.
What other adjustments can you make to your camera besides the grid?
If something characterizes the camera of your iPhone, is the immense range of tools that allow image editing at a practically professional level. There are, in addition to the grid, a large number of options that you can take advantage of to obtain better results.
overhead photography
This is another popular photography style in which you can use both the grid on your iPhone and the level tool. A top-down photograph is one in which the camera is perpendicular to the ground., that is, it is taken from above.
It is a technique widely used for architectural photos and also in gastronomy, giving a different and unique style that catches the viewer's attention. You can help yourself with the camera level tool on your iPhone to ensure that the image is aligned and completely straight, giving the feeling of symmetry and harmony that we are looking for in the image.
How do you know that the image is completely straight?
The level tool will be activated in the same way as the camera grid.
Once activated, you just have to place the camera to take a photo and confirm that the level line is centered on the cross.
Ready! Take the image and appreciate its results.
Take better selfies
Surely it has happened to you that when you take a selfie you like how it looks on the camera, but once you take the image it changes completely. This is because your iPhone's camera "transforms" the image and makes it look exactly how other people see you, that is, it "inverts" it. And yes, you can fix this so that the photo looks like you see it in the camera frame.
For that:
Go to the Settings app of your mobile.
Then access to the Camera section.
Check the option preserve mirror effect.
Ready! This way you will start taking much better selfies.
Use Macro mode…but only what is necessary
All iPhone models from 13 onwards have the Macro photography option. Which are ideal for when we need to photograph a object that is a few centimeters away. When Macro is activated, it will detect this distance and change the camera from x1 to x0.5, the latter being the wide angle camera.
The thing about this is that we don't really always want to take images in Macro, so it is important to control this aspect.
To turn Macro mode on or off, you must:
Access the app Settings.
Then go to the Camera section.
Finally disable Macro mode automatically in the Macro Control option.
And that's all for today! Let us know in the comments what you thought of these tips about how to put the iPhone camera grid and get the most out of this camera option to take incredible photographs.