How to put a password on any application on iPhone?

How to put a password on any application on iPhone?

Security when using our mobile devices is essential, even more so if we want to protect our information and data from other people who may have access to our devices. On Android this is very simple, since there are several apps to set a password for a specific application. In Apple This is not so simple, so today we bring you some of the best tricks to set password to any application on iPhone.

By taking advantage of the features of your iPhone, both in its Settings application and in the settings of each application, you will be able to find interesting options that will allow youn set a password for specific apps on your device. All of this will help you better protect your information and have a safer and smoother user experience.

How to put a password on any application on iPhone?

Sign in to apps using your Apple ID How to put a password on any application on iPhone?

Those apps in which you have specific passwords, They ensure that you can use your Apple ID without any danger, even in those applications that have not been developed precisely by Apple. As you know, some applications developed by third parties, require login with your Apple ID to be able to give access to said app to information such as your email, contacts, the calendar app on your mobile and others.

This brings with it the need to take additional precautions, such as creating an Apple ID password to be used with such an app. You can use this password created exclusively for the app when you are asked to sign in with your Apple ID.

How to create an app-specific password? How to put a password on any application on iPhone

  1. To get started, you must Sign in at
  2. In the Login and security section you must click on the option to Specific passwords of the application.
  3. Choose the Generate a password option application specific.
  4.  You can also just click on the Add button (+), Next you will have to follow all the steps that you will see on the screen.
  5. Add the application password in the corresponding space.

Is it possible to override an app-specific password?

The number of specific passwords that you can use is 25. Of course, if necessary you can cancel them, either individually or together. It's quite simple and you just have to do the following:

  1. Firstly, Sign in to your
  2. Go to section called Login and security, then choose the App-specific passwords option.
  3. Click on the sign (-) the one right next to the password you want removed or you can just override them all.

Something you should keep in mind is that once you delete that specific password, Any session you have started in it will be closed until another password is created and you log in again.

Similarly, whenever you change or reset your Apple ID password, Each application-specific password will be automatically overridden. This is due to a mechanism to protect your online security and that of your account.

What other alternatives can you take advantage of?

Use Apple Shortcuts Apple shortcuts

This function, although it has not been exclusively developed for this purpose, seems to work excellently. Essentially, what the Shortcuts tool does is offer a feature where you automatically, Whenever a certain application is opened, your mobile will be automatically locked. In order to be unlocked, it will be completely necessary to verify your identity using Face ID or Touch ID.

The steps you will need to complete to set this up are really simple, you only have to:

  1. Access the Shortcuts app from your device and go directly to the Automations option.
  2. Click on the option to create New Automations and then choose the App option.
  3. You will immediately see all the available applications in which you can configure this, select Which one do you want?
  4. Press at the top of the screen OK option.
  5. At this point, make sure to only keep the “Opens” and “Run immediately” options and click on the Next option.
  6. On the empty New Automation button, you will have to click and followed by “Add an action”.
  7. To finish, in the search engine you have to write "lock screen"
  8. Press the OK button and that's it!

By setting up these shortcuts, whenever someone takes your smartphone and tries to open a certain application, your device will be locked.

Use the Screen Time feature Use time

This is another of those tricks that you can use so that no one can access your device without your authorization. This functionality of your iPhone It was basically developed to limit the usage time you dedicate to an app, but you can also use it for that. Follow these steps and you will understand how:

  1. The first will be open the Settings app of your device, accessing the “Usage time” section.
  2. Click on the Lock Screen Time settings option and proceeds to create a 4-digit code.
  3. Additionally, you will be asked to you link it with an email address to be protected in case you forget this code.
  4. Without having to leave the Usage Time section, Go to App usage limits.
  5. Click on the Add limits option and choose the application you want to protect.
  6. Select from the available options, the time limit you want to set, the minimum will be one minute.
  7. Check that the option Block when reaching a limit is activated.
  8. To finish, choose "Add" and that's it!

What this option will allow is that when using the application for more than a minute, it will be blocked and it will be necessary to add the code to unlock it.

And that's all for today! Let us know in the comments what you thought of these tips so we know how to put password to any application on iPhone. Although in a very different and more complicated way than we do it with an Android, there are some alternatives for this.

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