Our mobile devices are witnesses of our most important moments, which we save in the form of photographs. Although unless you are a professional photographer, it is normal to take several images to achieve the most complete one. In this way we end up storing a large number of duplicate photographs, since most of the time we forget to delete, until they accumulate. In today's article we show you how to delete duplicate photos on your iPhone.
All these images that at the time seem insignificant, They take up a large part of our storage, saturating our devices with unnecessary files. One of the reasons why it is difficult to eliminate them is the indecision to choose the best quality ones, also by accumulating them the task is more tedious. For this reason perhaps It is necessary that you use some native tools of your smartphone, and also third-party applications that will do all the work for you.
How can you remove duplicate images on iPhone?
One of the most effective ways is remove images using the Duplicates feature. Using it, Photos identifies duplicate photos and videos in your library, places them in the Duplicates album, then can merge them to save a high-quality version. You don't need to download and install an app to delete duplicate photos, because your iPhone already has this native function that works with artificial intelligence.
With recent updates to iOS, Apple's operating system for iPhone has added the ability to identify and remove duplicate photos. This duplicate detection function works so well that it not only shows you duplicates, but also photos that look very similar but have, for example, different resolutions or formats. In this way gives you the option to identify images that repeat or they are almost identical in your gallery.
Application Photos has evolved a lot in recent years after several updates, offering better ways to organize and manage our storage. Removing duplicate content not only helps us maintain order in our gallery, but also helps free up space storage on our devices. This merging does not happen randomly, but rather the device combines the best and worst quality photos to create a single version of the image, and the remaining images are moved to the Deleted album.
What are the steps to follow to complete this method effectively?
Create a folder in your Photos app so that you can easily access it, and eliminate the ones you want from the selection previously made by the AI.
Something to keep in mind before proceeding is verify that you have iCloud synchronization activated Well, unless you do, this method to delete duplicate photos on iPhone will not be effective.
Then enter your Photos app.
At the bottom of the screen You will see the Albums in your gallery.
Within click on Utilities and then select Duplicates.
All repeated images will be displayed, which you can delete in their entirety or view and delete individually.
If the selection is already made, Click Select All. This way your similar photos will be merged and the repeated ones will be deleted.
How can you delete images using the search function?
Another way to delete images manually is use the photo search tool. By using this tool, it is possible to search for people, places or even specific settings, such as portrait mode photos. In case you have duplicate photos, you can detect them quickly by checking the results, this way eliminating them will be much easier.
Here's how to manually find duplicates in the Photos app:
As we mentioned in the Photos application you must tap on the Search option, this is located at the bottom right of the screen.
when you do this you must enter a name or location in the search bar.
At this point you can touch See all, to then display the results. Otherwise, your images will be grouped by moments and categories in Photos.
Then tap Select, at the top right.
here finally you must choose and eliminate all duplicate elements.
What applications can we use to delete duplicate photos on iPhone?
CleanMy®Phone Cleaner
This tool will scan your entire photo library to find unwanted photos and help you free up space. CleanMy®Phone finds duplicate photos, and helps you Choose the best and eliminate the rest.
Considering the enormous amount of photos we accumulate, organizing them takes a lot of time, which is why this iPhone cleaner with artificial intelligence technology classifies images and selects similar photos so you can organize them in less time.
These are some of its main advantages:
With her you can pause the analysis and delete any found images that you no longer need. Then resume the process when you are available.
Lets mark important photos so as not to lose them again.
makes a network speed test to see how your connection is working.
clean your phone when you're on a plane or when you're offline. You don't need Internet to use CleanMy®Phone.
Free up space on your iPad too, since the application works not only on phones but also on tablets.
How to remove duplicate photos using this handy app?
Firstly it is you need to download CleanMy®Phone from the App Store.
When you install it open the app and tap on the Order option.
To continue select Analyze.
When the scan is complete, tap Duplicates.
Then select all those photos you want to delete.
At this point tap Clear, and finally Delete.
Remo Duplication Photos Remover
This app helps you get rid of duplicate photos from your iPhone. This greatly simplifies the task of finding and removing duplicate images in your Photos library. This way you can save a lot of space on your iPhone, removing similar or exact duplicate photos with just a few taps. One of its advantages is having a pleasant and simple interface that makes work easier, but without ceasing to have a powerful and precise scanning algorithm.
Main Features:
With this application it is possible remove identical duplicate images. Additionally, you can also delete images that look almost the same, regardless of the name of these files.
You can mark or unmark images duplicated in all image groups.
Have the possibility to automatically save the best copy safe in each group.
Access one preview images to see them clearly before deleting them.
Get image details such as date, resolution, size, and other information that may be useful to you.
It has a simple drag option and release to start searching for duplicates.
Thanks to its services you will be able to quickly recover large amounts of free space.
If you have been accumulating images on your mobile device for a long time and you do not want to continue postponing the task of deleting them, it will be good to turn to some alternatives to help. This will save you time to recover your storage space. We hope that in this article you have learned how to delete duplicate photos on your iPhone. If you think we should add anything else, let us know in the comments.