Whether to create a ringtone on iphone, to memorize the dialogue of our favorite movie, to keep the audio track of a conference... or for any other purpose, both iOS and macOS allow us to extract audio from video in a very simple way.
How to extract audio from video on iPhone
With the Separate Audio Shortcut
Thanks to the Shortcuts application, available in the App Store completely free of charge, we can create automations of all kinds. But, in addition, we can also carry out actions without having to install any application on our device.
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With the Shortcuts application, we can export photos to PDF, join two or more photos... using the corresponding shortcut. If you have the right knowledge and a lot of free time, you can create a shortcut to extract audio from a video.
If not, the quickest option is to click on this link to download the Separate Audio Shortcut, a shortcut that, as its name describes, allows us to extract the audio track from a video.
- Once we have downloaded this Shortcut to our device, we go to the video from which we want to extract the audio.
- Next, click on the Share button and scroll down until we find the name of this shortcut.
- Clicking on it will start the process to extract the audio.
- Once the audio has been extracted, it will invite us to save the file in the path that we specify (by default it is the Files application on the iPhone).
If you have not previously used the Shortcuts app, it is likely that during the process it will ask for some permission to access both the Photos app and save the file on the iPhone.
Amerigo is an app for everything. Not only does it allow us to extract audio from videos, but it also allows us to download YouTube videos, access and manage files from storage platforms, create password-protected folders...
To extract the audio from the video that we have stored in the application, we just have to press and hold the file.
In the dropdown menu that is displayed, we select the format in which we want to extract the audio.
Amerigo is available in two versions: one free and one paid. The free version allows us to both download videos and extract the audio from the video files.
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Audio Extractor: Convert mp3
For those users who do not want to complicate their lives, the Extactor Audio application is there to help them. This application, which we can download completely free of charge, allows us to extract the audio from any video.
To extract the audio from a video with Audio Extractor, we must perform the steps that I show you below:
- The first thing to do is import the video from which we want to extract the audio from the Photos app. To do so, we go to the video in question, click on share and select the Audio Extractor application.
- With the video already available in the app, click on the (i) that we can find to the right of the video that we have imported.
- Next, click on Extract audio (easy).
- In the next step, we will see how the video begins to play while at the bottom are shown different audio formats. We must select the format in which we want to keep the audio.
- To access the video, click on the tab Processed, located at the bottom of the application.
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How to extract audio from a video on Mac
Although with the release of macOS Monterey, the Shortcuts app is also available on macOS, unfortunately the shortcut that I have shown you to extract audio on iOS does not work on macOS without modification.
The best option available in macOS to extract the audio from a video is to use the QuickTime application, as long as the video format is compatible.
QuickTime is not known for being compatible with a large number of formats. In fact, it is only compatible with the format in which iPhones record. To extract the audio from a video on the Mac with QuickTime, we must perform the steps that I show you below:
- First of all, we must open the application (it is available in the Launchpad) and open the video from which we want to extract the audio.
- Next, click on the File menu and select Export as.
- Within this menu, we select the option Only audio.
- Next, we must select the folder where we want to store the file generated by the application.
- To start the process, click on Ok.
How could it be otherwise, the audio format is m.4a, a format owned by Apple. If you want to use it on any other non-Apple device, you will have to convert the audio to .MP3 format.
VLC is the best solution to extract audio from any video, regardless of its format. This app is an excellent video player, completely free , whose most negative point is the archaic user interface.
To extract the audio from a video with VLC, we must perform the steps that I show you below:
- First of all, we open the application and go to the File menu.
- Within the File menu, click on Convert Issue.
- Next, we drag the video file from which we want to extract the audio.
- Next, in the Select profile section, click on the drop-down menu and select the audio output format.
- Finally we press Save as file and select the path where we want to store it.
It is likely that the application does not include the file extension, which will force us to add it by pressing the Intro / Enter key once we have selected the file.
Apple's free video editor for Mac (also available for iOS), also allows us to extract audio from a video. Unlike QuickTime, with iMovie we have 4 output formats to export the audio: ACC, MP3, AFF and WAV.
To extract the audio from a video with iMovie on the Mac, the first thing we must do is create a project where we must add the video.
- Next, we go to the main iMovie window, click on the three horizontal points.
- Next, in Format, we select Audio only and in File format, we select the output format of the audio of the video.
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A very simple and fast solution is the Video2Audio application. With Video2Audio we can quickly extract the audio from videos in MP4 format by dragging it into the application.
As with QuickTime, the resulting file is .m4a format, so we'll have to convert it to .mp3 in order to play it on non-Apple devices.
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