How to check the air quality from the iPhone? | Manzana

How to check the air quality from your iPhone

We all want to feel that the air we breathe is the healthiest, and currently many devices have become good tools to verify this. You may not pay much attention to it, but it is very important that the environment where we are is as clean as possible. Today we will explain to you cHow to check the air quality from your iPhone

Well yes, on your iPhone You can get an idea of ​​this data through the weather tool already native to your mobile. You can also access that information from specific applications to fulfill that function. If you are interested in knowing how polluted the air is where you are, we will show you everything below.

How to check the air quality from the iPhone? How to check the air quality from your iPhone

From your iPhone it is very easy to know the air quality in the city where you live. You just have to enter the weather application and slide down so that it appears on a color map. Through them the nature of the air is made known.

Now on the map you can search without restrictions for what you want to see. At the top left A legend appears explaining the possible meanings of the variety of colors. These represent % of air where it is indicated that if it is blue or green the quality is higher compared to others.

All this presents changes depending on the winds and the season of the year in which you are. Hence You can check total changes during rain, cold and even on sunny days.

You can also find information that addresses what is happening with quality at all times. That is, if any variation occurs in the atmosphere, everything appears in a table where the changes necessary for you are reflected.

What use is this?

The bitten apple company was a pioneer in adding these new features. Maybe at first you didn't see it as important in the weather app or you simply didn't know what it was for. It has become increasingly relevant and can represent a plus on your iPhone to take care of you a little more.

This tool will inform you at all times if the air has good or bad quality. If you see that it is unfavorable you can decide if you leave home or not since only you can decide how much you want to protect your health.

Provide significant data if you are close to moving because through this option you will be better able to determine the Choose the place you want to live. You can assess the different stages of harmful environment in the city.

How to check the air quality? Apple

  1. Application “Weather” now available on your iPhone has an air quality index which you can have access to at all times. To do so, follow the steps shown below.
  2. Go to the “Weather” app.
  3. Enter the place that interests you or simply Tap “My Location.”
  4. scroll down until you find the “Air quality” option.
  5. Here you can see all the details in various ways, it is possible that depending on where you are, a numerical value will appear referring to said quality.
  6. A comparison appears with respect to other moments for example “Air quality has worsened compared to yesterday at this same time.”
  7. Along with this information A distribution indicator is also offered within a graph. With just a glance you can see that the further to the right the index is located, the lower the air quality will be.
  8. You can also click “See more” to know what the fundamental contaminant is at each site. In addition to inform about which material is the main which is decreasing this quality, being in most cases “nitrogen oxides”. Another very common one at times is pollen.

How else can we know?

In addition to the tool already built into your iPhone to measure air quality, you have to know that there are other ways to do it. Through the Apple Store you can access a large catalog of applications that will allow you to measure the air quality where you are.

IQAir AirVisual How to check the air quality from your iPhone

This It is a fairly well-known and safe app to have details about the air you breathe. In it you can have extra information about air pollution in your region. This includes the levels of substances among which we can mention: ozone, sulfur dioxide, PM2.5 and PM10 particles, as well as nitrogen dioxide.

In addition to real-time information, possible forecasts appear for the coming days. This allows you to make plans outdoors with the peace of mind of a healthy environment.

The interface of this tool is simple so You can use it even if you don't have much experience. It contains interactive maps of different locations about the possible contamination found. Compatible with iOS 14.0 or later.

Plume Labs Plume Labs

This app is free and makes it possible to monitor the quality of the air around you with data as reliable as others that allow the same option. In this case, the novelty lies in the fact that the forecast made includes the following 4 days of the week.

It has black dots that are capable of indicating bad areas, preventing you from choosing the most contaminated places. 73% of users who have used it for their daily lives They ensure that it is totally reliable.

Es compatible with iPhone with iOS 13.0 onwards and is designed in Spanish, English, French and Italian. Don't hesitate and download this excellent application!

AQI Air Quality Index Apple

It is a tool, which, like those previously mentioned, enhances your knowledge of how safe the air can be. It is accurate to know the AQI (index of the air you breathe) but it does it in a somewhat different way than the others do.

This can be easily interpreted and provides details about fires that could occur in the area where you live. It has interactive maps with which you can find out the air quality anywhere and provides advice to protect your health. Requires iOS 12.0 or later and is only available in English.

And that's all! We hope we have been of help to you to have more details about how to check the air quality from the iPhone. Let me know in the comments what you thought was best.

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