How to backup Telegram on iPhone

How to backup Telegram on iPhone

One of the great fears for manys iPhone users that every day they use their messaging applications instant like Telegram, is without a doubt completely losing the conversations, documents and content that are there, either by accidentally deleting them, losing the mobile or breaking it. For this, there is nothing more recommended than backup Telegram on iPhone periodically.

Among the different apps that currently exist, few are as versatile as Telegram due to its multiple functionalities, since it is not only possible to use it as a more application on our iPhone, but it is also possible to use it as another tab of our browser on a Mac or any other device that is linked, but in both cases, it is highly recommended, yes or yes, to get used to making a backup copy. Do you want to know how to do it?

One of the most popular applications on iPhone How to backup Telegram on iPhone

make a iPhone backup It should be one of the main things to learn if you have this Apple phone in your hands, since it will allow you to avoid possible disappointments, in addition to the boring task of manually reinstalling, one by one, the different applications that we had .

This to do backup, it should also be dogma for all the applications that we install on iPhone like Telegram. since making a backup copy on your smartphone is essential, especially in one of the most used messaging apps every day in the world, where thousands of messages are generated, and documents and files such as photos are exchanged, which if lost, They are a big problem.

A problem that has a simple solution, with just make a copy of all the content we have from Telegram on our iPhone, something really recommended, especially in this instant messaging application that, in addition to being secure, functional, easy to use, free and without advertising, has won a great popularity in recent years among the community of iPhone users, even above WhatsApp and iMessage.

Is it possible to backup Telegram on iPhone?

Telegram does not offer an official way to make a full backup on an iPhone as such, but nevertheless, there are alternative methods to save your chats, files, documents and the settings you have from your smartphone.

Save the content of your Telegram chats 

Possibly the chats of Telegram It is the most important thing that you want to save, which you can export by following a few simple steps.

To do this, simply open the application and go to “Settings”, there select “Advanced” and then click export Telegram data. There, select chats and multimedia elements (photos, documents, etc.) that you want to include in the export. Next, choose the export format (HTML or JSON) and the location to save the file, and then tap “Export.”

Of course, it is important to keep in mind that this export will not include attachments large files such as videos or music, and the exported file does not constitute a complete backup as such, nor can it be restored in Telegram.

Save the content of your Telegram texts 

If, for example, you want to avoid saving videos, photos, etc., and you are only interested in saving the text as such from your chats, from the Telegram app for iPhone, you will be able to save the text of a chat by tapping the contact or group name at the top and selecting "export chat history." Then choose “save to file,” and the chat will be saved as a text file (.txt) on your iPhone. A file that you can easily open on any device, or from other applications.

Save Telegram media content 

If what interests you is really photos and other multimedia content, from the Telegram application you can save them by opening the specific chat that contains those files, holding down the file that you want to save and then tapping “share.” Then choose “save to photos” or select another storage location.

Save Telegram settings 

Last but not least, the configuration you have of Telegram For your iPhone, you may be interested in saving it, so you can make a backup copy of it, in addition to the settings. To do this, go to “Settings”, then “Advanced” and click “Export Telegram settings”.

Next, you choose the location where you want to save the configuration file. It is important to note that this configuration file Does not include chats or photos or anything, it only saves the application settings and preferences.

Telegram application How to backup Telegram on iPhone

In summary, this application on iPhone is essential today, due to its simplicity, it is free and for the functions it offers, although keep in mind that since it is not possible create a full backup of your Telegram account, it is recommended to combine several methods, such as exporting chats, manually saving media files, and backing up settings.

These backup Manuals are not automatic, so it is important to perform them periodically to keep your data up to date. And as a tip, consider using a cloud storage service to save your backup copies of what's on your Telegram, which will ensure greater availability so you can access them from anywhere and anytime.

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