How to add boarding passes and tickets to Passbook

How to add boarding passes and tickets to Passbook

If you want to have a comprehensive organization of your tickets or boarding passes, Apple Wallet It is designed for this type of grouping. This app has this type of functionality where you can group different formats, and for this, we will analyze how to add boarding passes and tickets to Apple Passbook or Apple Wallet.

This app It is created as a large portfolio. It is not downloaded because it is already integrated into the operating system. With it, you can safely store credit and debit cards, transportation cards, boarding passes, car keys, tickets and much more. Besides, works inside our iPhone or Apple Watch, an interesting and functional skill.

How to add boarding passes and tickets to passbook

This app works like a wallet. You can add numerous cards or tickets for travel, tickets to shows, loyalty cards, coupons, etc. But how do we add these downloaded documents to our Passbook? You just have to do a few simple steps:

  • We open the application, the email, the notification that is associated with your boarding pass, ticket or other type.
  • We played on add to Portfolio.
  • We follow the steps that appear in the portfolio.
  • If necessary, we touch Add in the upper right corner.

If you try to add your boarding pass or any step to your Wallet and you cannot do it, may not be compatible with this application. To do this, you can contact the seller or company and communicate your incompatibility and have them offer you a solution.

You don't have to follow the same steps to add your cards, tickets, or passes to your Apple Watch. When you're adding it to the Wallet app on your iPhone, It will automatically interlock with your Apple Watch.

How can boarding passes, tickets and passes be used within the Apple Wallet app?

We open the card. If you receive a notification you have to read it. Authenticate this entry with Face ID or Touch ID, or password. If authentication is not required, click the side button (iPhone with Face ID) or double-click the home button (iPhone with Touch ID).

  • You can tap your default payment card to view your other cards. Next, we touch the boarding pass or any document and authenticate yourself.
  • Once opened, Scan or pass your iPhone through the code reader or show it to the clerk.

How to add boarding passes and tickets to Passbook

How to use boarding passes, tickets or any pass with the Apple Watch?

We open the card. If we receive a notification we have to touch it. If there is no notification, we double-click the side button and then scroll down to the boarding pass or document of interest.

  • We scan or tap the Apple Watch screen on the reader to read the code. Or we show it to the clerk. In some cases you will have to unlock your device to show that step or entry before scanning them.

Can passes, cards or tickets be shared in Apple Wallet?

It is logical to have bought more than one ticket and you need to share it with your partner or family member. It can be shared without problem, but with the same users of an iPhone or Apple Watch phone.

  • We open the Wallet app
  • We tap on the entry or pass that we want to share.
  • We tap on the More button > we access details of the pass. If you cannot do this and you have a round button next to it with the i for information, we may not have the option to share the card.

If we have carried out these steps, then we touch the button Share. (We remind you again that these passes, tickets or cards are not enabled to be shared. To do this, you will have to contact your provider).

How to add boarding passes and tickets to Passbook

How to remove passes from Apple Wallet

You can delete any of these passes, cards or documents without any problem.

  • We open the application Wallet.
  • We touch the pass or document that we want to choose to delete.
  • We touch the More button icon and then we play Pass details.
  • We access the part Delete Come in and we confirm.

It should be noted that when we delete anything from our Wallet app on the iPhone, it may also be deleted from your paired Apple Watch.

What happens to expired passes? Do they eliminate themselves?

Cards, tickets or passes, They are automatically hidden when they have expired. If they have only been hidden, they can be accessed by making them visible again in the main view. If they have been deleted, they cannot be seen again.

Since they are not deleted, we will have to access Details. Once inside we will give the option Delete, so that it disappears.

If, on the other hand, you do not want to delete them, but also do not want to hide expired passes, you can deactivate this function in the Wallet and Apple Pay settings on the iPhone or Apple Watch. When you do, it will sync across all your devices.

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