Handshake, an application to agree when choosing a movie

Handshake, an application to agree when choosing a movie

Snuggling on the couch with your partner with some popcorn and the perfect movie sounds great. Unfortunately, this can become a real problem if you can't reach an agreement on what movie to watch, and it happens more times than you might imagine. For this, applications have been developed that help us solve this problem, today we present to you Handshake, an application to agree when choosing movie.

The list of movies available is enormous, but as a general rule, Handshake often helps people reach an agreement amicably. Its simple interface and intuitive operation make it an application much liked by the most demanding movie buffs. In addition to adding a fun and unique touch to the process of choosing the right film.

Handshake, an application to agree when choosing a movie Handshake, an application to agree when choosing a movie

handshake It's one of those apps that you don't know you need until you discover it.. Basically what it allows is to reach an agreement on what movie to watch with your partner or friends without having to reach some type of disagreement and in a very fun way, as if it were a game.

The curious thing about the app is that it is useful not only for deciding what movie to watch, but also to choose which restaurant to go to for dinner, what recipes to prepare, what wine to drink, the destination of your next vacation, or simply create your own game and customize it with the decisions you want it to help you make. It is an app that makes decision-making on issues where there are disagreements more bearable or simply when you don't feel like thinking about it too much.

How to use Handshake? handshake

The intuitiveness of this app, which can be downloaded by any user from the App Store, makes it It is very easy to play and decide what movie to watch with your friends, partner or family.

  1. The first step of course is download the app and install it directly from the App Store, it is completely free.
  2. Once you have the app installed on your iPhone or iPad, you must access it and enter a username and press the Start button.
  3. You can also find some default games, including choosing a movie, but if you wish you can create others and customize them completely to your liking.
  4. Then, you have to invite your friends to join your game To choose which movie to watch, copy your game ID and send it by message. Apps
  5. You can also Enter another user's game IDI hear start playing with him.
  6. Clear there is no user limit that they can enter the same game, therefore, the more friends who join, the better and more fun.
  7. Once everyone has joined, starts the game.
  8. Choose from the available options to finally let the game make a decision.

What aspects of the film does Handshake allow you to filter out?

  • Select in what country are you in? In this case, browse the available options and search for Spain.
  • Choose which platform you want the app to search for the movie on, it can be between Netflix, Disney +, Prime, HBO, Apple TV+
  • Marks the period of time in which the movies were released what do you want to watch.
  • If you want it to be from a specific year, just specify it.
  • El gender from the movie

How to create a custom game in Handshake?

Just as we already mentioned, this application can help you decide not only what movie to watch, but also to practically anything. To do this, you just have to create a new game in it, and adapt it to what you want. To do this, follow the following steps:

  1. Open the app and look in the Play section for the Custom option.
  2. Click on it and add a category you want.
  3. You must enter several options, the more they are, the more fun and exciting the game will be. How to create a custom game
  4. Also you should add some images, preferably vertically, this will improve the aesthetics of the game.
  5. Once you finish adding the options and adding the images, click on the Save button.
  6. Ready! You will be able to start playing with the new category established by you.

What is the Explore section of Handshake?

In the Explore section you can find a large number of movies that the app recommends to you to spend time with those closest to you. You can see various information about them, such as the platform on which you can see it, the year of release, its IMDb rating, who the cast is made up of as well as a synopsis of it.

In the corner, top you can see the number of matches that the movie has achieved. Interestingly, the movies with the most matches from the app in the Explore section are animated. Which include titles such as Ratatouille, Cars, Monsters University, Tangled, Moana, UP, Shrek, Zootopia and many others.

Where can you find this app?

As we already told you, Handshake is an application that is completely free to download and use. You will only have to complete the download and subsequent installation from the App Store. It is quite light and is available for any iPhone and iPad model. Something negative to point out is that although the app is free, some ads are displayed in it. These can sometimes be quite annoying for users and ruin the experience a bit.

What other alternatives to Handshake, the application to agree when choosing a movie, are there?

Despite being an excellent app, it is always good to have alternatives for any tool. In this case, an app that works in a similar way is:

Matched: Movie app for couples

One of the best alternatives for those who want to find an application similar to Handshake. This other application will help couples solve their problems when deciding what movie or television show they want to watch.

Furthermore, it is a tool that has intelligent learning, so it is constantly learning about your and your partner's preferences.

Except for a few details, the essence of the app is almost the same as Handshake. Its users report that the number of ads is smaller and the errors are less frequent. Without a doubt it is worth giving it a try, if you consider it so, find it in the App Store.

The application is no longer available in the App Store

This has been all for today! Let us know in the comments what you thought was the best of Handshake, an application to agree when choosing a movie.

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