Surely on more than one occasion it has happened to you that you have a song burned into your memory by its lyrics, but you don't even remotely remember what its title is. Fortunately, Apple is always in everything and offers a simple, fast and most effective way to be able to find songs by lyrics with Apple Music.
If you are a true music lover, and you want to be able to find the titles of the Songs by just putting a few words of his letters, now, thanks to the Apple Music app, you will be able to do it very comfortably. Do you want to know how? Well, stay here and discover how to do it and get the most out of Apple Music. The best way to find song titles using lyrics on iPhone!
We forget the title of a song but not the lyrics
Memory is very selective, so forget song titles But the lyrics are nothing strange, since there are even people who can recite all the lyrics to you, but the title or even the artist are not able to say it. Do you want to know how to solve it?
Don't worry, because if you have sometimes gone through the situation where you only remember the lyrics of a song but not the title, now with Apple Music You will have a simple solution to have the title in just seconds. A great application that if it did not exist, would have to be invented, due to the interesting functionalities it offers us, such as finding the title of a song.
Follow these steps and find songs by their lyrics with Apple Music
Next, we explain cHow to find songs by their lyrics on Apple Music. A few simple steps, which over time you will do almost automatically, but which we will detail in case it is the first time that you start searching for a song to find its title and artist.
Open the application
If you find yourself wondering what the title is, and you've been thinking about it for several minutes, just open the app Music on your iPhone or iPad, and locate the search icon.
Search in the App
Located in the lower right part on iPhone, or if you are doing it from the iPad, in the left sidebar, you will only have to write a few small words.
Write the letter
Within search, both you just have to write a few little words, since in an intuitive way, this Apple app is going to surprise you, being in general one of the best applications for song management that you can have on a smartphone or tablet.
Select “Apple Music”
It is important that you make sure to select "Apple Music" just below the search bar, since it will be with this app and not with another, with which you will be able to Find the title of songs you don't remember.
Click "Search"
Click on "Search" and you will only have to check the results it gives you, something that is usually almost one hundred percent effective, and it is very strange that the specific song, with its title and author, which you are looking for but don't remember. Once you have found that, there is only the next step, which is totally recommended.
Add new songs to library
As a recommendation, once you find the song you are looking for, you can add it to your library by tapping the three-dot button and selecting “add to library,” or holding down the song and tapping “see all lyrics” to see the full song.
Select the three points
Once you find the song you want to add to your library, tap the three-dot button, where you will see different options displayed, including adding it to the library.
Select “Add to Library”
Once you have completed the previous step, you will only have to click "Add to library" to add the song to your personal collection, so that you will have it located in the future, and if you have any questions about what title that song has that you don't remember, you can find it more easily.
Ultimately, the Search by lyrics in Apple Music for a song, whether on your iPhone, iPad or iMac, is without a doubt one of the most interesting features for users who have hundreds of songs in their library, and although they are able to remember entire verses, word by word, they are unable to find the title and the artist.
Now, thanks to Apple Music, everything is simpler and easier than before, since we will not have to resort to the trick of going to Google and starting to search, since from the same app we will be able to quickly find a song title, just by typing it in the search and seeing how quickly we find it.