Efilm the application to watch series, movies and documentaries for free on your iPhone

Efilm the application to watch series, movies and documentaries for free on your iPhone

Nowadays we have access to a considerable number of platforms, through which we can access extensive audiovisual content. But despite this, we do not always find what we want to see exactly, or it is not of the expected quality, failing to meet our expectations. This is why today we talk to you about eFilm, the application to watch series, movies and documentaries for free on your iPhone.

This alternative has been working for a long time, and many users have ventured to try its functions. We can confirm that on this site you will find a varied range of films, series and all kinds of material, dedicated to all members of the family. This is a tool that we can use to a large extent, as it stands out for being free and having a pleasant interface, the best thing is that its use is outside of illegalities.

What is eFilm?

eFilm is a digital movie rental service based on the National Library Network, that is, a streaming service for library users. This is not a Filmin service, although this streaming service is one of the main content providers. This It is free access to part of the Filmin catalogue, with the sole condition of being a member of a public library that collaborates with it.Efilm the application to watch series, movies and documentaries for free on your iPhone

You don't have access to the entire Filmin catalogue, but you do have access to thousands of premieres, national and international films, documentaries, concerts and even some movies from major studios. Efilm the application to watch series, movies and documentaries for free on your iPhone, which will help you discover incredible titles.

How can we use eFilm?

You only need follow three quick steps and simple:

  • Request an access code to your library: Depending on your location and where you live, contact the nearest library, either in person, by phone, or by email.
  • You register through your platform: Depending on the library, you will need to enter your access information.
  • Explore the catalog of available content: Once you have selected the movie you want, you can do it.

How do I log in to Efilm to watch movies online?

This service, as we have explained, is completely free. However, in order to use it, you need to register and log in. For this you must follow the corresponding steps:

  1. To start register on Efilm, it is necessary to access the official Web site.
  2. For that, you need internet service and a web browser of your choice. Efilm the application to watch series, movies and documentaries for free on your iPhone
  3. Enter your information login.
  4. Initially, your library should provide this to you with a Username and password.
  5. In the login area you must enter your location and the information we provide you.
  6. Once you have completed the steps above, you can Start exploring the options available.

This way your library will provide you with a rental amount each week for the movies you want to watch. This amount varies depending on the library. By Therefore, you can contact him or simply consult him through the website. This information is available at the top of the menu, where you also have access to your watch history.

What is the content available? Streaming platforms

According to eFilm's own information, the service offers access to a total of about 30.000 titles. These titles may vary depending on the autonomous community, because although most of the catalog is general, communities can request that their version of eFilm contain other specific exclusive content, such as regional productions.

The type of content can vary from movies to courses and documentaries, including children's series and other classic materials. With Filmin as one of its main content providers, you can imagine that independent cinema, national or classic is at the forefront, but the catalog is diverse enough to find everything, and always in good quality.

The catalog is quite large. Branch libraries that pay for audiovisual reproduction services, allow you to view more than 20 thousand movies. And we are not just talking about works with expired copyright, or licensed by their creators for free viewing.

Like commercial services, We find movies dubbed or subtitled in 10 different languages. It is true that we will not see the most current films, although it is not difficult to find films that were released several months ago.

How do loans work? Streaming platforms

Borrowing works in a similar way to what you do in any library. So they have a temporary duration of 48 or 72 hours, which you can check by consulting your profile, but there is no physical limitation of not being available because it is already rented. Each library offers different loan amounts, and they can be reloaded daily, weekly or monthly. This means that every time you watch something, you use credits.

For each movie we select, we can see the quality, playable media, audio language and subtitles, although in some cases the rarity of this is surprising. So once we are clear about what we want to see and click on Watch Movie, the next step is to confirm its rental.

You must take these considerations into account: 

You should also know that this service is free, but the content is categorized according to a color system that limits the monthly rental. This means that some types of content can be viewed indefinitely, another two or five times a month. This is the color catalog by which you should be guided:

  • Blue (5/month): Cultural, scientific, educational, art-related and entertainment documentaries. Series, children's animations, movies and concerts.
  • Orange (3/month): National and international cinema, documentaries, concerts and a special selection of short films.
  • Green and Red (2/month): Recently released films and documentaries or from important production companies

We hope that in this article you have discovered everything important about eFilm the application to watch series, movies and documentaries for free on your iPhone. If you want to enjoy a pleasant time with the best audiovisual proposals, this platform is ideal for you. If you think we should mention something else related to this topic, let us know in the comments. We will be reading you.

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