Discover powerful improvements to Chrome for iPhone and iPad

Discover powerful improvements to Chrome for iPhone and iPad

In the desire to improve its products and, in the process, conquer other territories such as Apple equipment, Google has announced a series of new improvements to Chrome on mobile devices, with the aim of improving the browsing experience and making searches more efficient and personalized.

These updates are designed to take full advantage of the capabilities of phones and tablets, offering users a more fluid and convenient interaction with the web, which we will detail below throughout this post.

What are these new Chrome improvements after?

syncing Chrome with iPhone

The evolution of web browsers continues at an accelerated pace, and Google Chrome, one of the most popular browsers in the world, He doesn't want to be left behind, after the great competition who is dating derivatives with Microsoft Edge o Brave Browser. and just as we have told you in this other post, we believe that it is a browser that you should take into account.

Aiming to provide an improved user experience, Google has released five new Chrome improvements on mobile devices, which are designed to make navigation and searches faster, more intuitive and personalized.

From quick actions to interact with local businesses to personalized suggestions in the address bar, these updates are set to transform the way we interact with the web from our mobile devices and generally make life easier for all of us.

Quick actions: improving interaction with local businesses

shops with Chrome

One of the most notable developments is the incorporation of quick actions that facilitate interaction with local businesses and that changes the way we interact with them.

Imagine that you are looking for a restaurant in your city. Traditionally you would search for something and you would get a list of restaurants, with which you would have to go to Maps or each one's website to see more about them.

With the new Chrome feature, you'll not only get a list of results, but you can also call the restaurant directly, get precise driving directions, and read reviews from other customers, all from the search results, without having to access another app .

This functionality is designed to save time and make the search experience much more efficient and is now available in Chrome for Android, expected to arrive on iOS devices in the fall.

A change in design for large devices such as tablets and iPads.

chrome on tablets

Another significant change is the redesign of the address bar for large screen devices such as iPads and Android tablets, in which the Chrome application was relegated to being a “large” version of the mobile one.

Aiming to make better use of additional screen real estate and align with Google's "Material You" design language, The address bar now allows users to always see the website they are visiting below the dropdown menu.

This redesign, which at first glance does not seem like much, not only improves the aesthetics of the interface, but also makes it easier to return to the previous page without losing sight of the current content, something that will save us some time when it comes to browse from a device larger than a mobile.

Custom shortcut suggestions

shortcuts in Chrome

For those users who have favorite websites that they access frequently, Chrome has introduced Custom shortcut suggestions in the address bar. And here we applaud this and openly say: “it's about time”, because it was a PC functionality that mobile platforms did not have, and that did not cost anything to implement.

This feature, available on both Android and iOS, uses the terms that users typically type to offer accurate and relevant suggestions.

For example, if a user frequently types "schedules" to see subway times, Chrome will learn this pattern and prioritize the corresponding site in the suggestions, making access to the most visited websites faster and more efficient.

Trending Searches on iOS

trending in Chrome

With the aim of inspiring users and offering them relevant content, Chrome on iOS now shows trending search suggestions in the address bar.

Trend searches are a great way to discover new topics and stay up to date, in a visual and very fast way, with what is popular on the web and that it was not understood why the iOS version did not have it by default.

This feature, which was already available on Android, appears below recent searches when users click on the bar from the new tab page, giving you the most relevant searches in general, as well as the most viral ones within what you are going to search for on a specific topic.

Live Sports Cards in the Discover Feed

sports in Chrome

For sports fans, Chrome has added Live Sports Card to the Discover feed on the new tab page.

These cards, available on both iOS and Android, provide automatic updates about your favorite teams' matches, so as long as you have followed or shown interest in a team before, live sports cards will show up-to-date information on ongoing matches, results and other relevant data.

Additionally, you'll be able to customize your Discover feed through the three-dot menu in the Chrome mobile app, ensuring you always receive the information that matters most to you.

The new Chrome improvements: our opinion

sync Chrome between Apple devices

The five new improvements to Chrome for mobile devices represent a significant effort by Google to improve the browsing experience and make searches faster, more intuitive and personalized, demonstrating a bit of that character “user-centric” from Google that Above all, it seeks to improve the user experience by making their lives easier..

Together, these updates underline Google's commitment to adapting Chrome to the changing needs of mobile users, ensuring that web browsing is a more fluid, personalized and efficient experience, and from here, we believe that, with these innovations, Chrome continues to establish itself as one of the most advanced and friendly browsers for users around the world.

Now, Are you missing something from Google Chrome? We'd like to know your opinion on Chrome's new features, whether you think they're great or whether they've fallen short. And to do this, we invite you to leave us a Comment below, in order to know your perceptions.

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