Discover the best applications to see the stars on iPhone

apps to see the stars

On a clear night, the starry sky can become a window to the unknown, a vast canvas full of cosmic wonders waiting to be discovered and thanks to technological advances, today it is possible to explore this universe without having star maps, only using applications to see the stars on your iPhone.

In this article we will introduce you to some of the best stargazing apps, each with unique features that will allow you to become an amateur astronomer, without the need for a telescope. Ready for this galactic experience? Let's get started!

Before we start: let's talk about how beautiful it is to see the stars

apps to see the stars on iPhone

The fascination with the stars and the universe It is as old as humanity itself, and basically at any time in humanity we can find references to them.

Ancient sky watchers, from the Mesopotamian peoples to the Greeks and Mayans, developed a sophisticated understanding of celestial movements, with whom, in addition to knowing how to navigate, they created mythology that could explain who we are and where we are going. For example, the ancient Greeks saw their gods and heroes in the constellations, immortalized in the firmament, or for the ancient Egyptians, the stars were manifestations of the gods, and their position in the sky directly influenced earthly affairs.

But today, fortunately, You don't need to have great knowledge to be able to enjoy them.. With the applications that we are going to show you, anyone with an iPhone can explore the cosmos in an accessible and educational way.

The applications to see the stars that we will talk about not only allow you to identify and learn about celestial objects, but they They also inspire a greater appreciation for the magnificence of the universe.

So the next time you find yourself under a clear sky, don't forget to pull out your iPhone and let these apps guide you on a cosmic journey that is sure to leave you in awe.

Sky Guide

sky guide

Sky Guide is one of the most acclaimed applications for observing the sky, which stands out for its intuitive interface and impressive visual quality.

When you open the app, simply pointing your iPhone towards the sky, you will be able to identify stars, constellations, planets and satellites in real time, with the advantage that it can work without an internet connection, allowing you to use it in the most remote places, far from the light pollution of the city.

Also has Customizable notifications for important astronomical events from the International Space Station, such as meteor showers or eclipses, ensuring you never miss a crucial moment in the sky.

The application is no longer available in the App Store

Star Walk 2

starwalk 2

Star Walk 2 is another notable stargazing app, offering a more interactive and educational approach. and like Sky Guide, it allows you to identify celestial objects in real time by pointing your device towards the sky, but also includes 3D models of constellations, nebulae and planets that you can explore in detail, although it is true that it is not as impressive as the previous one (although it's not bad)

The application also has a “Time Machine” feature, which allows you to see what the sky looked or will look like at different times in the past or future, something that may be notable for those who want to plan their astronomical observations in advance or simply want to know how the stars aligned on a significant day in the past.

In addition, Star Walk 2 also offers detailed information and curiosities about each celestial object, always seeking to satisfy the curiosity you have about said object.

The application is no longer available in the App Store

Night Sky

night sky

Night Sky takes the stargazing experience to another level thanks to its use of augmented reality (AR), which manages to transform your environment into an interactive planetarium, using the GPS coordinates of your mobile phone and the gyroscope to know your position.

Using your iPhone, you can see constellations and planets superimposed on the real sky through your device's camera, creating an immersive and magical experience.

And up to this point we could say that we have an app more or less similar to the others, but be careful... Night Sky has an ace up its sleeve: integration with peripherals such as Apple TV, Apple Vision or even the Apple Watch.

The latter is especially noteworthy, since allows you to receive notifications about astronomical events directly on your wrist and use the watch as a celestial compass to orient yourself towards objects of interest, something highly advisable since the watch would add to the precision data calculated by your phone.

The application is no longer available in the App Store

Stellarium Mobile

stellarium mobile

Stellarium Mobile is the portable version of one of the most respected astronomical software among professionals and advanced amateurs that does not pursue graphical spectacularity, but It is aimed at giving the most accurate image of the night sky, with more than 600,000 stars, planets, satellites and other celestial objects catalogued.

As in any professional app that is appreciated, in Stellarium we will have the possibility to scan and simulate the sky from anywhere on Earth, both through historical data from the past and accurate predictions of the future. And if you are especially interested in the subject of “satellites”, it has a calculator for their coordinates and where they pass, which is truly amazing.

The app also allows you to adjust parameters such as light pollution and atmospheric visibility, providing a highly personalized and realistic observation experience that is somewhat superior to other star viewing applications.

The application is no longer available in the App Store



And to close this post, as dessert we will introduce you to Skyview, an app that is ideal for all types of users of all ages, which transforms sky observation into a very simple and accessible interactive game.

To use it we will find personalized simplicity. You basically have to point your iPhone at the sky, and SkyView will identify and label the stars, constellations, planets, and artificial satellites it finds, providing detailed information about each one.

A distinctive feature that only SkyView has, we highlight its search function, which will allow you to find any specific celestial object to guide you to its location in the sky. In addition, it also has a night mode with red light, which helps preserve your night vision while stargazing.

The application is no longer available in the App Store

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