Deactivate read receipts for Instagram messages

Deactivate read receipts for Instagram messages

Instagram is a gigantic platform, where millions of users share content every day. For many people, the privacy and security options within it are very important. For this, Today we will talk about how to deactivate read receipts for Instagram messages.

This option, now also available for Instagram, has proven to be one of the users' favorites. This way they can easily determine the right time to respond to direct messages. Also, if you value your privacy so much, There are other options that you can also implement.

Does Instagram allow you to disable read receipts for messages? Deactivate read receipts for Instagram messages

Although it was a somewhat slow option to implement, finally A few months ago Instagram made it available to users of the platform. Since like other messaging applications, it showed other users when you had read their messages with the "Seen" notification. This appeared just below the last message in the conversation.

Unlike Whatsapp for example, and just like Messenger, Instagram only reports on reading the last message. Which is updated immediately you enter said conversation. Another point in which this function differs from those of WhatsApp, Messenger, and even Telegram, is the possibility of Select in which chats you want to disable reading receipts for messages.

It is a great step forward in terms of privacy issues by Meta. Hence Its reception has been very good from users who use it as a messaging app usual. Since on many occasions we wish not to answer a message at those times. Therefore It is not convenient for the other person to know that we have read it.

How to deactivate read receipts for Instagram messages?

The relatively new option is very easy to implement, and as we mentioned selectively. For this you will only have to follow these simple steps that we list:

  1. The first of course will be to go to the Instagram application. You can do it both from the browser and from the mobile app.
  2. Then access the Chats section. You will do this by pressing the corresponding button in the upper right corner of the screen, or simply by swiping right from the right side edge from the screen.Deactivate read receipts for Instagram messages
  3. Once you are in the chats, Locate the one in which you want to deactivate confirmations Reading.
  4. Enter the chat and Click on the other user's profile photo. It is located at the top edge of the screen.
  5. Then select the Privacy and Security option.
  6. In this section you will have to disable the Read Receipts tab.
  7. Ready! This way the other person will not be able to know when you have read their messages.

This action is completely reversible, so you can activate and deactivate it whenever you want. It is also fair to clarify that it will not be sent no notification or alert that you have disabled read receipts. So don't worry, your privacy is assured.

In what scenarios is this useful to disable read receipts? Instagram

There are many situations in which keeping read receipts for Instagram messages disabled can be practical. The main thing is to eliminate that pressure which generally exists about responding to a message as soon as we read it.

And let's be honest, there are many occasions in which we simply we are not in the mood to have a conversation with other people. Even more so on Instagram, where we can enjoy a great flow of content and information in addition to the option to chat. If you are meeting someone through the platform, you may want to take your time to respond. This way, you can do it whenever you want without appearing uninterested.

In the workplace, for example, If you use your Instagram account as an account for your business. Customers usually ask a lot of questions about products, if we don't have an answer at that time, it is better to have read receipts disabled. For example, if they ask about the availability of a product or the price of shipping and we want to search for the information, it would seem unprofessional not to respond immediately.

What other tools for your privacy does Instagram have?

Although this is one of the most liked, Instagram has already implemented many other tools on its platform for the privacy of its users. Among the most important are:

You can keep your active status hidden Hide active status

The active state is that little green dot on the side of your profile photo. What this does is inform other users that you are online at that time. Not all of your followers can see this status, but those with whom you have already interacted can see.

By removing it, no one can know when you are connected. It is quite useful for those who write to you They cannot know that you are active at those moments.

Keep your account privatePrivate account

This is a more drastic option in terms of privacy issues, but certainly very effective. By having your private account, you completely control which people have access to your posts and activity. Since no user who is not your follower on Instagram will be able to see your posts, stories or send you messages.

Control who can see your stories and posts Best friends Instagram

The platform developers implemented this new option to allow each person to express themselves more freely and authentically. For this, there is the Best Friends list. In it you will add a group of users with whom you can share more private and special content, and that no one else can access.

Of course, the publications and stories that in this category have a small sign that Tells users who are on your Best Friends list. It's a good alternative if you don't want to make your account private, but still want to restrict who accesses your content.

To ensure that users enjoy a more pleasant experience, Instagram has implemented several functions focused on security and privacy.. One of these is the possibility of deactivating reading receipts for Instagram messages. Let us know in the comments what you think of this option, as well as the others available on the platform.

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