The best tricks to customize lock screen on iPhone

Tricks to customize iPhone lock screen 4

If you are one of those who seek customize your iPhone to the fullest, the way to access it with the locked screen, and have some of the best widgets for your smartphone, then we recommend that you take a look at some of theyou better tricks to customize the lock screen, some of them great unknowns, but really useful and easy to use.

All iPhone user You should know the basics of how add and remove widgets, since it allows you to have valuable tools, essential for people who value having quick access to your apps and other functionalities, many of them little used, but which after reading this article you will undoubtedly appreciate.

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Surely at some point, while you were quietly sipping a coffee and taking a quick look at the screen of your iPhone, the idea of ​​being able to customize your lock screen in a more practical, simple and comfortable way, to make it much more functional with widgets that you actually use, and that therefore allow you to make more use of your valuable time.

Some widgets really surprising, not very popular, but really practical, that even large giants like Google have implemented, and that undoubtedly deserve a chance on your iPhone if you want to make the most of all its potential, of course, taking into account that you need to be the latest in your iOS update. Let's go there with the best tricks to customize lock screen on iPhone!

Chrome's own widgets

That's right, Chrome offers the possibility of having in the lock screen their own widgets, something that is obviously interesting since they not only offer us the opportunity to have access from the locked screen to a private browsing in your search engine, or search by voice, but it also allows us to evenor play offline to the typical game of the REX dinosaur that jumps over obstacles, something interesting for example when we travel by plane and we want to play some quick games from our iPhone.

The best tricks to customize lock screen on iPhone

One of the most recommended to have in the lock screen of your iPhone, since Google is always experimenting and constantly adding functionalities, and even though you prefer to use other browsers such as Safari or Brave on your iPhone, it is advisable to also have this Chrome app on hand and the possibility of putting it as a widget on your iPhone , next to the next one.

Widget for app shortcuts The best tricks to customize lock screen on iPhone 7

Another of the most recommended widgets, which yes or yes, you should have on your iPhone, is this one Lock Launcher, an app that allows you to put in lock screen of your iPhone, a direct access to your most used applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram, SpotiFy, etc.

With this widget you will be able to enjoy the most comfortable way of having quick access to different apps, since it allows you to customize almost everything, such as adding Shortcuts to practically any app or thing on the lock screen, you can even put the calculator. Additionally, you can put a timer on it, so that it will be removed after a few seconds.

FotMob widget for football fans

The best tricks to customize lock screen on iPhone 4

One of the widgets that surely many sports fans They will appreciate it, it is undoubtedly this app, which allows you to have a direct widget on the home screen, with which you can take a quick look at the latest news and updates about your favorite teams, as well as the scores and results in real time .

Without a doubt, an app that many soccer fans will appreciate, since they can watch quickly with a simple glance, and also in a hidden way, what is happening in a certain match. A trick worth knowing!

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As if from a digital swiss army knife If it were, and very similar to Lock Launcher, another of the resources that are worth having on your iPhone is this app, which will be able to give you access on your lock screen to a large number of applications, as it offers you quick access to different actions and therefore great convenience for more automated tasks.

Tasks such as send a quick message through one of your favorite apps like Telegram, to make quick calls, or have one-click access to websites like YouTube, or certain websites that you use regularly. A large number of customizations that undoubtedly make it one of the preferred resources for those users who want to have the best tricks to customize lock screen on iPhone.

In short, it is increasingly possible to take advantage of some of the best tricks to customize lock screen on iPhone, thanks to some of the previous apps, which offer us great convenience, speed and simplicity, to be able to have quick access to various applications that we use daily, in addition to other functionalities, which will undoubtedly allow us to get the most out of our smartphone. Do you already know which one to install on your iPhone? 

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