Create your own WhatsApp channel from your iPhone

Create your own WhatsApp channel

WhatsApp implemented channels a few months ago, a pioneering idea widely used on platforms like Telegram. Now You can follow different types of channels and be able to follow their communications. If you also want create your own WhatsApp channel from your iPhone, we analyze how to create it with a few simple steps.

These channels are designed for any person or group, where said channel can be created, including a name, description and photo. With this channel, any content can be published so that other people can follow and view it. With this tactic, chats can be read only by the person who owns them, but not by people who are part of the channel.

How do WhatsApp channels work?

When creating or following a channel, messages, texts, photos, polls, videos and stickers can be published by the owner. These messages are not end-to-end encrypted and may be kept in history up to 30 days within your conversation.

All numbers that interact within the channel will not be visible, that is, the administrator You will not be able to know the numbers of your followers, nor can the followers see the administrator's number. The administrator has several options when creating a channel, whether it is public in the search engine or not, or allowing his followers to forward said content and take screenshots of their channel.

Create your own WhatsApp channel from your iPhone

What are WhatsApp channels for?

Thanks to these channels, companies can interact with their customers and thus formalize relationships in a more personalized way. Today, it is one of the most used applications or social networks in the world, therefore, it needed to be completed with some privilege so that the creators of a channel can send their followers or clients timely updates of your products or services.

Within your application you can Access this section and take a look at the channels offered. To access it, go to the section "State", slide your finger all the way down and you can see a small list of channels.

You have the option of “Explore more.” By clicking on this button, you can access a list of default channels, a search box to search for a specific channel, and access the most active, new or popular ones, among others.

Create your own WhatsApp channel from your iPhone

Tutorial to create your own WhatsApp channel

As we have commented in previous lines, it is easy to access the section “Channels”. Also, you can create your own channel by entering this section.

  • Within the WhatsApp application we look for the section “News”, at the bottom of the screen.
  • First, all the States that are active will appear, but slide your finger up the screen and you will be able to see the word written in bold. “Channels”.
  • Press on the + symbol which is located next to it. The option to “Search channels” o "Create channel". In this case, we agree to create it.
  • An information panel will be displayed with the most relevant information, including how said channel will be directed and how you will maintain your responsibility. We give to "Continue".
  • Next, you will see how to formalize the new channel, where you will add a photo and the name it will have. Also, you can make a small description so that your users can know what information you are going to offer.
  • Once filled out, we access “Create channel”.

Create your own WhatsApp channel from your iPhone

From this moment on, you will have already formalized said channel. Already you can start adding multimedia content or text, You can even use the buttons inside to send your channel link to your friends or family so they can follow it.

Hereinafter, everything that is shared is totally public and accessible, but they will not be able to know your name, but rather the name of the channel. One of the limitations that said channel has will be that You cannot have more than 256.000 subscribers.

What can be done with a WhatsApp channel?

It is important to know the advantages of creating a channel and how to organize your posts strategically. One has to provide relevant and useful information that is updated with the theme of said channel. Also, you have to be updated with what the user requests, maintain regulated publications and interact with users directly to offer credibility and trust.

Posts cannot exceed 512 characters, but it is a great alternative for personal communication with the public. You can do a great promotion of the services that you like and be able to grow the audience in your company.

Another advantage is that A great community is created through a theme. For many people it can be constructive content that educates or trains, for others an entertainment channel and others to promote products that they want to sell. We must not forget that it is one of the whatsapp tricks what it can offer you and what you should take advantage of.

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