compass apps


How can you orient yourself if you don't have your iPhone within reach?

It may be the case that you go camping or hiking and your iPhone runs out of battery. For these cases it is better to prevent.

With an analog clock

This method is very simple, you just have to point the smallest needle of your watch towards the Sun, the bisector line that is formed by the union of this hand with the 12 o'clock on your watch indicates the south.

Using the Sun as a reference

Although it is normally said that the Sun rises in the east and hides in the west, it is not a certain science, since it deviates at the equinox. The most recommended way is, when the Sun reaches its highest point, stand with your back to it, your shadow will guide you to the north.

using a branch

Stick a branch in the ground in a vertical position, draw a line on the ground that indicates the end of the shadow, wait for 15 minutes and make another mark in the shadow, then join these lines and you will get the west. Then when the sun reaches its highest point the direction that the shadow marks will be north.

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