How to limit Instagram notifications to avoid harassment?

How to limit Instagram notifications to avoid harassment

Instagram is a fairly rigorous platform with the privacy of its users. In each update, the team of this social network is responsible for taking measures for the benefit of Internet users, thus establishing many quite interesting options. Today we show you how to limit Instagram notifications to avoid harassment, which can undoubtedly catch your attention.

Unfortunately, and as is common in all social networks where we have a fairly wide exposure, Unwanted interactions with other Internet users may arise. These in many cases exceed the limits, and can be considered harassment. Although it is difficult to control this, Instagram has taken an active role in the matter, and we currently have several measures in place to restrict these interactions. and thus protect ourselves better in the digital age.

How to limit Instagram notifications to avoid harassment? How to limit Instagram notifications to avoid harassment

Instagram has added a feature that expands its fight against online harassment. The application now has a tool that allows users limit interactions with your messages, in your mobile phone settings. This update is available for iOS and Android devices and has been integrated into the Restrictions section.

It offers a powerful way to control who you can interact with. The release of this feature is part of a group of new features that the platform added recently to make the social network safer, especially for younger users.

Features designed to reduce harassment and negative experiences on the platform They also include the ability to restrict chats with strangers, and increase parental controls.

What are the advantages that this new Instagram function offers us? How to limit Instagram notifications to avoid harassment

  • This new button will allow users mute anyone who is not on your best friends list on Instagram. When enabled, notifications and interactions from users outside of this list will be disabled, helping to create a more controlled and secure environment for users.
  • This is how limited interactions work. The Limited Interaction feature focuses on communication, not content. This means that while you can still see other users' posts, some people's interactions with you will be hidden.
  • The purpose of this function is provide users with quick and direct access, when considering limiting interactions on your profile.
  • There is no need to update the app to access this new feature, is integrated into the Instagram Settings section and therefore should be available to all users.

How can we activate this feature? Instagram

  1. To access Limited Interactions, you must open your Instagram profile and go to the settings menu, This is located in the menu in the upper right corner.
  2. Once here it is necessary that select the Limited interactions option. In this section you can choose what type of interaction you want to limit.
  3. It includes likes, comments, tags and messages direct. Then you can decide who you want to restrict.
  4. You can include all users except your friends, such as recent followers or accounts that do not follow you.
  5. By selecting this option, Interactions from excluded accounts will automatically be hidden, meaning those users can still comment and send messages, but you won't receive or see notifications.

How long will this Instagram option be enabled? Instagram

Instagram allows you to set the duration of these restrictions for a period of up to 4 weeks, with the possibility of extending this period once it ends. Although this promotion is not entirely new, it has now been enhanced with the addition of a new improved button, which allows you mute anyone not on the friends leaderboard inside Instagram.

When you access it, all you have to do is open the menu at the top right of your profile and look for Restricted Interactions. This limited interactions feature focuses on communication, not content. This means that while you can still see other followers' posts, some users' interactions with you will remain hidden from your contacts.

What alternatives can you take to avoid harassment on Instagram?

  • Limit unwanted interactions: This tool allows you to temporarily restrict unwanted comments and messages. They will not be visible until you approve them, and you can specify how long you want the filter to last. This setting was designed to help people who believe they have been victims of online harassment.
  • The system recommends groups of accounts for which you can enable this option, such as accounts that do not follow the user or recent followers. In any case, it will be the user who will ultimately decide how and who applies this option. These settings are also found in the privacy section.
  • Limit mentions: The tool that allows other users to add to a profile is known as tags and appears in selected stories, comments, texts or live messages. In this Privacy section, you can allow mentions to everyone, only those you follow or no one.
  • hidden words: This option allows you to hide comments that may be offensive. Can set the mode to auto or set your own option, where as a user you select the words, phrases and emojis that you want to hide. This tool is found in Settings and Privacy, where you must choose the Interactions option.
  • make your profile private: If this option is activated, only those users who are accepted will be able to see the corresponding profile. To use this alternative, you must go to Settings and Privacy and then activate the Private Account option, which is located at the top, next to the lock icon.

Being a user of a social network does not mean that you cannot keep your privacy safe. Instagram has been an example of this, taking steps to make its users feel safer and more confident inside the platform.

We hope that in this article you have learned how to limit Instagram notifications to avoid harassment. If you think we should mention anything else, let us know in the comments.

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