ColorBadges change the color of the notification balloon depending on the icon [Tweak]

In iOS 7 everything is perfectly integrated, if you are in a dark-colored application the keyboard changes to black, the folders acquire the predominant tone in the wallpaper and a lot of other details are adapted to make this operating system as coherent as possible.

But there is something that has not changed for a long time, the color of the notification bubbles is always red. With JailBreak there is a way to change the color in a simple way, but we will always have them in the color we choose, only that one.

ColorBadges is a Tweak that automates the color of the notifications making it adapt to the color of the icon that receives them, making us finally have an integration with this aspect.


As you can see in the image above, the Tweak adds a colored band around the notification balloon so that we can perfectly distinguish it from the icon.

The developer has also thought about the folders, if the applications that are inside receive several notifications, the Tweak will adapt the color to that of the App that has the most notifications.

ColorBadges It is a small Tweak of customization that you can get in the BigBoss repo for only $0,99.

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      Cesar said

    Good, how do you make the balloon look that way? Install the tweak but it only changes the color but not the circular shape of the globe

         DiegoGaRoQui said

      The photo is not mine, but the secret is that this iPhone has a theme that puts the notification balloons like this….

      Gerardo said

    hello friend, a question… a tweak to be able to use a generic av cable on the iphone 4 with ios7 xfa I would appreciate it

         DiegoGaRoQui said

      I don't know of any, sorry