Call vibrations and notifications composed by you

Call vibrations and notifications composed by you

In most cases we value ringtones, sounds, notifications or vibrations as default functions and we are left with what is reproduced. There are options to customize this type of details, being able to make call vibrations and notifications composed for you.

We will analyze with short tutorials how to do it, since you can customize all the tones, expand the repertoire and make your vibrations much more fun. With the new iOS 17 system, many more advances have been made in this matter, being able to customize many more functions.

How to configure iPhone sounds and vibrations?

Area Configuration From our phone we can make this composition. You can change the sounds when we receive certain messages on social networks or in incoming calls.

  • We came in Settings > Sounds and vibration.
  • Once inside, several functions are detailed, including power adjust the volume of ringtone and sounds.

Call vibrations and notifications composed by you

  • To specify vibration sequences and tones for sounds, you can personally choose a specific tone for incoming calls, located in "Ringtone". You can also customize the tones in “Message tone”, “Voice message”, “Calendar reminders” or “Reminder reminders”.
  • Enter any of these options and a list of sounds will be displayed so you can choose the one you like the most. To know them, click on any of them and it will play.

If you want to customize a ringtone for a specific contact, you have to access the “Contacts”. Find the person and select “Edit”. Then choose the tone you want to play when that person calls or texts you.

Customize notifications to your liking

iTunes is an application that comes by default on our phone and that we can use to create a notification. This notification cannot be customized, but You can buy the one you like the most.

Open the application iTunes.

  • A list with tones will be displayed so you can buy.
  • You can click on any of the tones to listen to your sample.

Call vibrations and notifications composed by you

Download the application GarageBand

GarageBand is an application that will help you as a mediator to create that notification you want.

  • We open the application GarageBand and we turn the phone to put the horizontal screen.
  • We use the Audio recorder to be able to record the piece of song that we are going to play.
  • Click on the third icon at the top left.
  • When we are in the editor's timeline, we can add the song. To do this, we will access the penultimate icon at the top.
  • select “Browse items from the Files app”. We search and select the song we want to use.
  • We drag it to the audio track. Here we can cut the piece of song we want.
  • Once ready, we access the arrow that appears in the upper left and click on “My Songs".
  • It will be directed to the Files folder, where you select the audio you just saved and access "Share".
  • Select the option "Tone", to be admitted. You can give the track a name.

How to customize the vibration of a call on your phone

In order to customize the vibration, we must access the area of Settings or Configuration of the telephone.

  • We enter the section “Sounds and vibrations”.
  • Then we press on the "Ringtone".
  • We access "Vibration".
  • We choose “Create new vibration”.

Here we can create the personalized vibration, we can compose it by tapping on the screen. Then we click Stop. Finally we save.

Call vibrations and notifications composed by you

Do you want to customize a vibration for a contact?

This option is quite common, both to apply a personalized ringtone or to create a specific vibration.

  • We came in Contacts.
  • We look for the contact What we want.
  • In the upper right part we access Edit.
  • We slide our finger down and enter "Ringtones".
  • Inside we access "Vibration".
  • We enter the part of “Create new Vibration”.
  • A screen will appear so you can perform the personalized vibration with your fingers. Then we click to save.
intro maker
Related article:
Applications to add music to a video on iPhone

How to turn off vibration on iPhone?

You can disable this feature for particular times or for all alerts.

  • To do this we will have to enter Settings > Sounds and vibration. Once inside change the sounds and vibrations.
  • You can also change it by entering Settings > Accessibility >Touch, and here disable Vibration.

We must keep in mind that our iPhone can also present errors. It may seem like a simple configuration and one that will not report any other errors, but It may be that vibration is not activated. In order to solve this problem, you must ensure that this configuration is always active, in the sounds and vibration section. This is completely normal for it to happen, since the personalized vibration will not sound if it is not active in the “Sound” section.

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