One of the most important elements of an iPhone, to which we do not usually pay due attention, is without a doubt its screen, to which, at most, we only occasionally adjust its brightness or contrast at certain times. However, it is possible to configure other essential parameters, in many cases little known, but which are very important, so if you want to know withHow to control iPhone screen settingsTake a look at what we are going to tell you.
You may know how to lock screenof the iPhone in a quick and easy way, but you probably don't know the large number of settings you can make such as True Tone, white point or Night Shift, something that may not sound familiar to you, but that we are going to reveal to you in detail below , but in a simple way, so that you are an expert when it comes to configuring the settings for your iPhone screen.
What adjustments can be made on the iPhone screen
The iPhone offers a large number of settings on your screen to completely customize it to our preferences and needs. We are no longer just referring to aspects such as being able to personalize the iphone lock screen, but to configure a correct calibration of the screen, adjusting parameters such as brightness, contrast, color and intensity of the screen, which significantly improve the user experience, by seeing the screen with better detail, clarity and quality, and that also help optimize battery consumption, as long as one of the following parameters is properly configured.
Adjust brightness
Surely the setting that we all know, and that we use for specific moments such as when there is little ambient light. However, it is worth remembering how to adjust it. To do this, go to settings and then display and brightness. Slide your finger on the brightness control to adjust it to your liking. Note that you can also activate the option auto brightness so that the iPhone adjusts the brightness of the screen depending on the light at all times.
adjust contrast
Along with the previous one, the only two parameters that users usually know. It must be taken into account that the contrast is the ddifference between colors light and dark of the screen. To adjust it, go to settings, then accessibility, then screen and text size, and finally click increase contrast. Activate the option and adjust the contrast level to your liking!
Adjust Night Shift
Essential for the most night owls, who use the iPhone in bed before falling asleep; now with the Night Shift setting it is achieved reduce blue light from the screen, which can help you sleep better at night. To activate it, go to settings, then display and brightness, and then select Night Shift. The great advantage is that you can program it to activate automatically at a certain time (for example after 22 p.m.) or adjust it manually.
Adjust Light or Dark Mode
Perfect for those who are bothered by excessive screen brightness, with Dark Mode you achieve change colors from the iPhone interface to tones darker, which may be easier on the eyes in low-light environments. To activate it, go to settings and then screen and brightness and there, select Dark Mode. Like the previous ones, you can also schedule it to activate automatically at a certain time.
Adjust True Tone
If you want you screen be adapted to the light of the environment, then you must control the true Tone which automatically adjusts the screen color based on the ambient light to offer a better view of the screen, using warmer colors that match the environment. To activate it, go to settings and then screen and brightness, and select True Tone.
Adjust white point
Another configuration that is probably little known is that of the white point, which is nothing more than an adjustment in the color intensity screen brightness, so that they look more natural. To do this, To adjust it, go to settings and then accessibility, and there go to screen and text size, where you can find the option to reduce white point.
Adjust color filters
Finally, color filters can help you see the screen colors more clearly. To do this, go to settings and then accessibility and select the color filters option there. You just have to select the filter that best suits your needs and adjust the intensity to your liking.
In summary, perform these settings on iPhone screen It is essential to make the most of the qualities of our Apple smartphone, something that is recommended to do periodically, and not just limit yourself to changing the brightness or contrast, thanks to the fact that there are multiple settings available, such as Night Shift to reduce blue light, True Tone to adapt the color according to the ambient light, and others, which help not only improve screen quality and take care of your eyesight, but also prolong the life of the screen with a few simple steps that every iPhone user should take into account.