Apple, for the first time in its history, has decided to launch a packaged proposal of its most popular services, Apple One, which is now available for purchase. This move, largely novel for the company, promises to be a before and after in the marketing of its value-added services.
What is Apple One? Why has Apple opted for this model? It is expensive? You have the answer to these questions in the following article, which we invite you to continue reading.
What is Apple One?
Apple one is the grouping of different services offered by Apple, in a unique package that seeks to generate a volume discount, basically. In Apple One we find the following services:
- iCloud+: Apple's cloud storage service, which gives us the option of having up to 2 TB of storage for photos, videos, backups or even recordings of our cameras, in addition to being able to have that same content synchronized between our different Apple devices.
- Apple TV +: Apple's television streaming service, with a large catalog of varied content between series reruns and also the company's own creations.
- Apple Music: the company's streaming music service, which has more than 100 million songs and 30.000 pre-designed playlists.
- AppleArcade: Apple's video game service, with an extensive catalog of 200 games compatible with all Apple devices, since they are approved, without tedious configurations or strange stories.
- Apple Fitness+: And Apple's commitment to sports could not be missing, with extensive training programs that will help you use your iDevices to get in shape.
Why is Apple now launching the Apple One?
Packaging products is something that is usually done in many markets and is one more way to offer your services. Above all, it is interesting since serves Apple to offer added value to its customers, maximizing the possibility of the interaction of hardware, software and services to give them a much more comprehensive experience with the brand.
Competitive differences against other Android phone manufacturers
The packaging allows a company to differentiate itself from the competition, especially in a market that tends towards closed ecosystems and that is no longer only exploited by Apple. We have the example of Xiaomi with its cross-product offering, which ranges from telephony to cars, but which has not yet fully exploited the services side.
By offering a unique package of products and services that work synergistically, Apple can stand out in the market and attract consumers looking for an integrated experience.
They facilitate the user experience
The packaging Simplifies the user experience by offering complete and cohesive solutions. Apple products, such as iPhone, iPad, Mac, and all the services built into Apple One, are designed to work seamlessly together, making users' lives easier.
It allows you to sell VALUE, which is what matters
Sell Apple One It is a way to have a stable income, since not all customers consumed the five products that are being sold packaged. In the end, even if a volume discount is offered, it is still a greater income for the company since without the single package, perhaps that consumer who only subscribes to iCloud would never try Apple Music and would opt to subscribe to Spotify, for example.
Allows infrastructure to be made profitable
Internet services have a peculiarity: they require infrastructure to function. And by infrastructure we refer to both hardware resources such as servers and networks, as well as personnel who are working on them (programmers, fitness instructors, video creators...).
If the user base is low, the costs of maintaining that structure skyrocket since revenue may not support those same costs. For that same reason Apple One is a great move for us.or be underusing those resources.
The relationship with the client
In the end, what is hidden behind Apple One can be summarized in an English term calledor “Customer Intimacy” or as we would say in Spanish, maintain a relationship with the client.
A customer who has tried a company's valuable services and already has them integrated into their way of consumption, you will rarely want to change hardware vendors, since the differential experiences provided by the product packages that they are already accustomed to consuming will hardly be found in the same way in the competition.
For this reason, in markets such as telephony, customers who have the most basic products (fiber and mobile) are more reluctant to change operators than those who have television services, alarms or advanced business products, since the convenience of having it Everything together is superior to having to get used to different alternatives, which may or may not be better.
How much does Apple One cost?
Apple has decided to go all out this time and for us to try the service package, it is giving us a month-long trial without obligation so that we can use this package.
Yes, the important thing is that we are using the latest version of iOS or macOS available, so legacy computers that no longer support these versions will not be able to use the subscription.
Once the trial period is over, there are three versions of Apple One with their different costs:
- Individual: The individual version has a cost of 19.95 euros per month and represents a total saving of 9 euros in the event that we decide to hire everything separately. It comes with 50 Gb of cloud service, Apple TV+, Music and Arcade.
- Family: In this version we will have exactly the same thing, except that the iCloud gigabytes are also increased to 200 Gb and we will be able to share its use with up to 5 people. It costs 25.95 a month and here our savings will be 11 euros per month.
- Premium: the TOP version of Apple One, which is the one that comes with 2 TB of iCloud and Apple Fitness+ included, in addition to the advantages of sharing it with 5 people. Have a cost of 34.95 euros per month and represents a saving of 19 euros per month compared to the packaged option.
Which version of Apple One to choose?
Honestly, if I had to choose a version and I had five friends or family members who were users, I think that the option to choose without a doubt is the Premium.
Since, as is usually done with shared Netflix services, if everyone pays their part, you would get the most complete package of services for a whopping 7 euros per month and for that cost alone with Apple TV+ we would be amortizing it.
It is also an option to choose the Family if you are not into Fitness, but I think that due to the price difference and the ability to share, it is definitely worth going for the large one to be able to enjoy the best package of products and services on the market. apple company that exists today, without a doubt.