Apple has improved Apple Maps

Apple has improved Apple Maps 1

The Californian brand has always stood out for offering the latest in terms of technology and features on their devices, but being objective, some of their applications They were not up to par with other competing alternatives, and a good example of this is the Apple Maps app, which, it must be recognized, was not really optimized in Spain until recently, but fortunately Apple has improved Apple Maps Recently. 

Until recently, this app was perhaps not the best for finding your way around a big city, although it did offer interesting functions, such as being able to establish a route in Apple Maps in a simple and intuitive way. With Apple's objective of improving what it is weak at, until a few days ago it was possible to see obvious signs that the app is being improved in the main cities Spanish, where Madrid and Barcelona They have been the first cities where it is optimization It is already starting to give results.

An application that needed great optimization  Apple has improved Apple Maps 1

When planning a route or locate in a city, Both iOS and Android users mostly resorted to Google Maps, since it offers a fairly simple way to move around large places that we do not know, especially in cities like Madrid or Barcelona, ​​where finding a place, a store or going somewhere, can be an odyssey if we do not have apps like Apple Maps to locate us.

If we take a look at the opinions of users who have tried Apple Maps, we can read how there were quite a few complaints, and it was evident that an optimization was needed. Apple Maps in Spain to improve the precision and the details of the information displayed on the map (quite scarce and poor), in addition to offering a better user experience, one of the great forgotten ones in this type of apps.

In order not to be left behind before Google, its natural competitor in the market, the new measures that Apple is taking are quite encouraging, since for example one of the most notable is the use of special backpacks to capture images in areas inaccessible to vehicles. Furthermore, it is expected that these improvements will make this app increasingly useful and attractive for users in Spain, something somewhat complicated by the current leadership of Google Maps in the mobile market. maps, but it undoubtedly represents a first step to improve this app for Apple devices.

Special backpacks for exploring cities?

That's right, in order to access the less accessible places, where you cannot put the typical vehicle with cameras, Apple has chosen to carry special backpacks that the explorers will carry on their backs in those urban environments, where there is usually very narrow streets through the center, as is the case of Barcelona.

For this, they have been designed much more compact versions of the cameras used in Apple vehicles, which will allow high-quality images to be captured at great clarity in areas where driving is not possible, thus guaranteeing complete coverage of the urban environment, something essential for example for mapping small businesses or portals located in old towns, yes, with maximum privacy.

Privacy as a priority 

Today privacy is essential, so Apple has committed to respecting it throughout the data collection process, something that, for example, drew attention with Google Maps, where it was possible to identify even residents of a neighborhood even if their faces were pixelated. The captured images by backpacks and vehicles will be processed in a way that blur faces and car license plates, thus guaranteeing maximum protection of people's identity.

Un app optimization which has already been started by Apple in Spain, but which is part of its global project to continually improve its map services, since the company has already updated Apple Maps in other countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, France, Italy , Germany and now it is the turn of Spain, being the capital and Barcelona, ​​the first cities to map.

An essential app on any Apple device

Apple has improved Apple Maps

If you have relegated for the moment Apple Maps, we recommend that you give it a new chance on your iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch, since the improvements that are coming seem quite hopeful, since it is expected that this app will achieve substantial improvement in the coming months, with more details about the cities, and prioritizing user privacy.

Already since the last days of March until the end of june, Apple Maps has programmed car tours throughout the country, and until the end of May, different explorers equipped with special backpacks will be present in Barcelona and Madrid to capture high quality images in pedestrian areas, parks and other places inaccessible to vehicles, always guaranteeing privacy by blurring faces and license plates, so that we can enjoy the updated information of the maps of our cities during the coming months. Still not using it on your iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch?

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