Apple IT Courses: Get certified as a professional computer scientist

Apple IT courses

Did you know that new Apple IT courses came out? And the Cupertino company, following in the wake of other majors in the sector such as Google or Amazon, has launched a training platform to specialize in one of its products or specializations that may interest you.

Throughout this article we will tell you what the Information Technology courses consist of, why we advise you to take them and how you can subscribe to them.

Why is it interesting to take IT courses?

training in Apple products is interesting

IT courses, for everyone and not just for computer scientists, are necessary to meet labor demand in an increasingly digitalized world, keep up to date with technological evolution, be competitive in the labor market, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, and guarantee information security in a constantly changing cyber environment.

Growing job demand: develop professionally in IT

With the advancement of technology, the demand for professionals in the IT field and for users who are increasingly specialized in some specific fields of computing continues to grow.

From software developers to system administrators and cybersecurity experts, or users who are specialists in specific programs such as SAP or video editing programs, There is a wide range of roles that require specific IT skills and for this there is dedicated training.

Constant technological evolution: stay up to date with changes

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, which means IT professionals and other related professionals must stay up to date with the latest trends, tools and methodologies.

These courses provide a structured way to acquire and update skills in areas such as software development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, among others.

Job competitiveness: give it a push to your CV

In an increasingly competitive labor market, Having IT skills can set a candidate apart in the hiring process.

Employers value professionals who can quickly adapt to new technologies and solve technical problems effectively, in addition to the certifications issued by large companies to ensure that the user has the necessary knowledge to handle these tools.

Work flexibility: they allow you to adapt to different sectors

Computer skills are highly transferable and They can be applied in a variety of industries and work environments, and this is something to take advantage of since in many industries there is such a closed knowledge scheme that only enables you to work in that sector.

This gives IT professionals the flexibility to explore different areas of interest and career opportunities around the world, taking your knowledge with you and expanding it with the specifics of other sectors.

Innovation and entrepreneurship: serves to improve the ways of doing things

IT skills are fundamental for innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital era, both in products and in the internal processes of the company, where you can have an interesting career field to explore.

IT courses can open you up to new ways of doing things that can make a company's work methodology change and be much more productive, making you a reference in that matter.

What do Apple IT courses cover and how to sign up?

apple workout

In the Apple press release Regarding these courses, Susan Prescott, Apple's vice president of Marketing, confirms everything we have told you about why it is important to train in these courses: “Apple professional training helps all people who are interested in technology, whether they want to make a radical change in their career or simply improve their skills, to achieve better paying jobs in the IT field thanks to Apple certifications, that will not go unnoticed by companies”

If we look at the website of AppleTraining, where you can sign up for these courses, we can see that there are two ranges of courses: those dedicated to developers (App Developer Training) and those oriented to Computer Science (IT Training).

App Developer Training

The section of App Developer Training consists of a series of learning resources designed to Help developers gain skills and knowledge necessary to create high-quality applications for Apple devices.

These courses cover official documentation of how iOS works to provide apps with maximum compatibility, as well as videos, conferences and different courses on the techniques necessary to develop apps.

Support and Deployment Training (General IT Training)

El Apple General IT section focuses primarily on providing professionals with the skills necessary to effectively deploy and maintain Apple devices and services in business environments.

In certain companies, computing is managed on a large scale from programs that allow us to pre-install a series of apps for the company, as well as limit the use of phones for certain uses that may not be of interest to be done with corporate devices, as well as the leave pre-installed dedicated security settings and internal access to company resources.

All this is done through Apple's Deployment platform, where you can train to learn how to manage devices using the tools that Apple provides us, being one of the most in-demand Apple IT courses for hardware and support administrators. level 1 and 2.

You also have training available on Apple Business Essentials, business-oriented Apple apps, and certain features such as the more professional use of iCloud.

Certifications: obtain a diploma that certifies your knowledge

Once you have finished the course and the final exams, upon payment, you can acquire a certificate issued by Apple that will confirm your knowledge in the areas you have studied and that you can present to the company as a justification that you have that prior knowledge.

Like everything in this life, if you are going to use it for work, we advise you to invest in that certificate since they generally do not expire, although if you have only done them for the knowledge you can only keep the Apple IT courses made, without reaching examine you. That way, you wouldn't have to pay anything, although you won't have any way to back up that knowledge.

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