On which Apple devices are we going to use AI totally or partially?

On which Apple devices are we going to use AI totally or partially?

There is no turning back in the gradual implementation of the Artificial Intelligence in the different technological devices, especially those that we use daily such as the iPhone, iPad or Mac, which until now was possible turn to AI partially, by accessing certain websites and tools, it will soon be native to its own assistants such as Siri, running directly on our devices locally, so in this article we are going to see  on which Apple devices we are going to use AI fully or partially.

AI has been a reality for months now, and not long ago we reported interesting news, such as the possibility that very soon it could be use Google's AI Editor Magic on iPhone but with limitations, to which we now add recent statements by Mark Gurman, Apple news guru, in which he announces that only certain Apple devices will be able to use all the functionalities offered by AIDo you want to know what they are?

Artificial intelligence is already a reality in many Apple devices On which Apple devices are we going to use AI totally or partially?

Little by little, AI is becoming an increasingly necessary and present tool in our lives. Although it is true that, initially this has been implemented only partially, for example to perform simple query tasks, in a limited way, accessing certain websites and sites such as Gemini, AI is soon expected to be present natively and fully functional within certain Apple devices.

Only for certain devices? 

That's right, until now AI was used in a limited way in some applications that we can download, such as editing certain photos, making songs from scratch, etc., or accessing certain assistants that use Artificial Intelligence to consult them on any topic. All this with some limitations ass and very reduced functionalities, which were also executed externally in the cloud, and not inside our devices.

However, this seems to be changing, but only for certain models of iPhone, Mac and iPad, which will soon be able run AI natively within Apple's own apps, as well as in Siri, its star assistant, which will now improve significantly in terms of having this revolutionary technology when assisting users with any of their queries.

Apple devices where AI will fully work

Recently it was already commented on social networks how AI can only be used completely, locally and with all the functionalities, in certain Apple devices, since not all iPhones, Macs and iPads will be able to enjoy all AI functions one hundred percent, or at least make the most of their capabilities.

On the one hand, there will be a series of conditions for the full use of AI, as are the type of processor or chip who has a certain Apple product, the self operating system you have installed and the RAM with which you count.

In addition, only certain Apple devices will be able to enjoy a full and local AI compatibility, and these are obviously the most current ones, which have the best specifications on the market, as is the case of the iPhone 15 Pro , the only one so far of the different iPhones, that will be able to have all the functionalities offered by AI.

As for iPads, only the Air and Pro models with M1 chip From now on they will be able to have fully functional AI, in addition to Macs with M1 chip, which will also be able to use the Artificial Intelligence with all its functionalities available, as long as at least have about 16 GB of RAM to be able to face the different processes that AI will require.

Local AI processing

You have read previously that only certain Apple devices will run AI locally. This means that it will run on the device itself, instead of on a remote server or in the cloud, which entails some and advantages obvious, such as having a greater privacy, as the data will not be sent to the cloud, reducing the risk of leaks.

In addition, a guaranteed higher speed, since tasks are executed faster, since we do not have to wait for the data to travel to the cloud and return with the answer, when for example we ask about travel suggestions. Equally, and no less important, there is a great advantage in terms of autonomy, since this local use of AI performs a lower battery consumption, since it is not necessary to constantly send and receive data, which saves battery.

In short, although the Apple AI reach a wide range of devices, not everyone will be able to fully enjoy their functionalities, since only the most current iPhone, iPad and Mac, with the most modern processor, which also has sufficient RAM and has its operating system updated, will be able to fully enjoy what is coming in terms of this technology. which will undoubtedly enhance our Apple devices, becoming powerful tools in our daily lives.

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