WhatsApp duplicates photos on the iPhone

WhatsApp duplicates photos on the iPhone

There is nothing more annoying than an application as popular as WhatsApp, without your asking, duplicating the content you create unnecessarily, especially when it comes to something as common as taking photographs, saving in duplicate each of them; something that can certainly cause many users to despair, but now we will see the reasons and solutions before Why are WhatsApp photos duplicated on iPhone?

El take pictures on iPhone it is one of the most common, simple and quick actions that every user does, but since the iOS 17.4 update earlier this year, many people who have an Apple mobile have reported a annoying problem, which is none other than WhatsApp photos are surprisingly duplicated in the Photos app. Not only does this mean unnecessary use of storage space, but it can also be confusing and disorganize your gallery. Something that fortunately now has a solution!

One of the most used applications to take photographs  WhatsApp duplicates photos on the iPhone

The large WhatsApp versatility, being more than just a simple instant messaging application, which is not only valid for sending simple messages, motivates many iPhone users use it to take photos directly from it and be able to send them to their contacts, whether for work or leisure reasons, by doing it in a simple, fast way, but with a big problem, which is none other than the duplicate.

Despite being a great app and even having interesting tools to manage photos on iPhoneWhatsApp has a serious problem saving in duplicate photographs on the iPhone, something that can be a great annoyance for those people who do not have a model with ample memory, since they add copies unnecessarily from the photos, in addition to being a great chaos.

If you want to know why the images are duplicated photographs on iPhoneIn addition to how to solve it quickly, easily and efficiently, without resorting to third-party apps, take a look at the following lines.

What causes photos to be duplicated on the iPhone?

The cause of the problem appears to be an error in the interaction between the iOS 17.4 update and the WhatsApp application itself. When the option «Save to Photos» in WhatsApp, the application saves a copy of each photo received in the iphone gallery. However, with the new version of iOS, this copy is saved twice, creating duplicates.

What iPhone models does this occur on?

The problem of duplicate photos on iPhone occurs especially in some iPhone 11 and 12 users They have detected that when using WhatsApp, it saves the photos in duplicate in the smartphone gallery. Some iPhone models that many users have today, and who may wonder how to solve it.

How to solve it

Fortunately, there are two simple solutions to this problem, which are to deactivate an option in the app itself and resort to the always necessary update of the app, something that is not always taken into account when certain errors arise:

Disable the “Save to Photos” option in WhatsApp

  • Open the WhatsApp application.
  • Go to Settings > Chats.
  • Turn off the Save to Photos option.

With this solution, the photos you receive on WhatsApp They will not be saved in the iPhone gallery. However, you can access them from the WhatsApp application itself.

 Update WhatsApp to the latest version

WhatsApp has launched a update which fixes the bug that causes photo duplication. To update the application:

  • Open the App Store.
  • Search for "WhatsApp."
  • Tap Update if an update is available.

In addition to taking the above into account, in order to eliminate duplicate photos in your gallery, you can delete them manually although it is obviously something more tedious. To do this, be patient, open the Photos application, look for the duplicate photos and select the “delete” option.

Also recommended, give restart iPhone, Since, as with other applications and problems, it is usually a fool's errand for the iPhone and the apps you have installed to work correctly again.

In short, given the problem that some iPhone 11 and 12 users have detected that WhatsApp saves photos in duplicate in the phone gallery, due to a bug in the latest version of Apple, iOS 17.4 that affects the interaction between the app and the operating system, there are a simple solutions that go through to update WhatsApp to the latest version from the App Store and by clicking deactivate the “Save to Photos” option. In this way, the photos received in the app will not be saved in the phone gallery. It is important to note that if you are using an older version of iOS, you should not experience - at least in theory - this problem.

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