What is the purpose of clearing the iPhone cache? | Manzana

What is the purpose of clearing the iPhone cache?

The continuous use of our mobile devices makes that all types of files and information accumulate in these which can affect their operation. The iPhone, despite being one of the best smartphones on the market, is not exempt from these problems. Today we will explain to you how you can eliminate them and what is the purpose of clearing the iPhone cache.

Users of this operating system can assure that the task of clearing an app's cache can be somewhat cumbersome. Even so, by following the steps we give you in this article, you will be able to clean all that space relatively easily that occupy the temporary files of apps and websites. All this will ensure that your iPhone works optimally and quickly.

What is iPhone cache?What is the purpose of clearing the iPhone cache?

By cache we understand all those files and data that a specific application or website temporarily stores on your iPhone. This is done with the main purpose of optimize the performance and speed of applications and websites, as it is not necessary, for example, to load images and elements of the interface of these apps. On the other hand, it can be counterproductive, since if we no longer visit a web page, This information will not be needed in the future and will take up space unnecessarily. 

In addition, the time required to access each app is significantly reduced. The data that is stored They are generally files, images as well as other multimedia elements, They are downloaded by the apps in question as we use them. This data can be useful, for example, when you use an app that requires an Internet connection, it will not be necessary to enter data and information, since the app stores it locally.

What is the purpose of clearing the iPhone cache? What is the purpose of clearing the iPhone cache?

The fundamental objective pursued when clearing the iPhone cache, is to save storage space on the device. And despite the iOS operating system managing application and system files very efficiently, space always accumulates unnecessarily in the cache memory of the iPhone or iPad.

Of course, you should know that although the benefits are notable when it comes to saving storage space, this also means that Loading and access times to other sites will be slower. You could even lose data that is important to you from some apps and web pages.

Other practical utilities that clear the iPhone cache are: solve errors in the operation of an app. Although this is not the objective for which the function is ideally used, its effectiveness is undeniable. When clearing the cache of an app, it is as if we were opening it for the first time; if there is any error, it is generally eliminated.

How can you clear the iPhone cache?

The way you clear the cache of any app on an iPhone is different from the way it's done on an Android app. In the latter, just go to the Settings application and delete cache from the information offered to you by the app. In iOS things change, you must do it following these methods:

From the Settings app

In this case, it will be necessary to delete the application for which you want to clear the cache and then reinstall it. Follow these steps:

  1. The first step you must follow will be to access the Settings app from your iPhone.
  2. Go to the general section that you will find in this application and then to the iPhone Storage option.
  3. Select from the list of applications installed on your iPhone the one in which you want to delete the cache. iOS

  4. Press the option Remove application.
  5. To install the application again, it will be necessary do it through the App Store.

We understand that this could be somewhat annoying, but at the moment it is the only option available to do it from iOS devices. It should be noted that you should not worry about deleting a paid application, since it will not be necessary to make additional payments again.

Directly delete the app cache

Now, when we said that in iOS you cannot delete the app cache without deleting them we don't want to be absolute. The truth is that there are applications that have this possibility, the thing is that the number is very small. To check if a specific application has the option, do it this way:

  1. Go to the Settings app from your iPhone.
  2. Slide your finger on the screen to locate the Applications section and then the application in question.
  3. Once there, look for the Troubleshooting section. In this, you will find the Reset cache on next startup option.
  4. Once you have completed this step, you will only have to leave the app tab open.
  5. As soon as you access the application, the cache will be cleared automatically.

Clear browser cache safari

Safari is a popular web browser that was developed by Apple, being the default browser for iOS devices and also MacOs. In this app you can very easily delete all that data as well as your search history.

This action will delete the history of web pages you have visited, as well Your recent search results will be deleted.

  1. Enter the Safari app on your device.
  2. Tap on the app menu and then tap Recents tab.
  3. Select the Delete period option, and then choose how much of this history you want to delete. safari
  4. To finish, do Click on the Clear History option.

Although the Apple company's mobile devices are the best sellers worldwide, they are not immune to problems, and one of them is related to storage space. In these cases, knowing what clearing the iPhone cache is for is extremely useful, which is why we were explaining the different methods available. Let us know in the comments if you already knew about these alternatives to clear your iPhone's cache.

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