How to use the camera control button as a magnifying glass on your iPhone 16?

How to use the camera control button as a magnifying glass on your iPhone 16

It is indisputable that iPhones are extremely versatile and practical devices. With each new model, Apple tries to expand this catalog of functionalities that they can offer us. Precisely, the launch of the new iPhone 16 comes loaded with new functions and novelties, one of them is the camera control button. Today we show you How to use the camera control button as a magnifying glass on your iPhone 16.

Setting this option in the camera control button will help you make more complete use of this new button and thus, bring out all your potential. In case you are looking for more polished magnifying glass options, you can also use your iPhone's app for that. This is a pretty useful and equally practical option. Although it is not the only option you will have, check out other alternatives.

The presentation of the new iPhone 16 has not left anyone indifferent. While it is true that the controversy on social networks about the lack of innovation With which Apple has been developing its mobile devices for some years now, there has been no shortage of innovations, and this year it has brought us a few surprises.

The new camera control button, Located on the side of the device has been pleasantly received by many Apple fans. Of course, many others still wonder how necessary this is. Anyway, the camera control button, as its name indicates, is a new button located on the side of the iPhone 16. The functions are closely related to the Camera app and all its benefits.

How to use the camera control button as a magnifying glass on your iPhone 16? How to use the camera control button as a magnifying glass on your iPhone 16

This button, although it has been designed for the features and functions related to the Camera application, It can also be used for many other purposes. For example, it can be used to scan QR codes and, as we said, as a magnifying glass.

A perfect option to facilitate work in environments where code scanning is required and zoom in on small texts. It is also very useful for people who have some type of visual limitation and wish to be able to see small letters and details.

How to activate this option?

  1. Firstly, you will have to access the Settings application of your iPhone 16.
  2. Go to Camera section and then to the Camera Control option.
  3. In this, you will have some options available, press Scan Codes or Magnifier.
  4. Select this option to be able to start using the camera control button of the iPhone 16 as a Magnifying Glass.How to use the camera control button as a magnifying glass on your iPhone 16
  5. Ready! This way, by pressing the camera control button, you can with a simple gesture use it as if it were a magnifying glass, with the advantage of being very fast and simple to use.

Is this option reversible?

Of course, the moment you decide to stop using the Camera Control button as a Magnifier, You can easily disable this option following the steps below:

  1. Open the Settings app and then going to the Accessibility option will be the first thing you do.
  2. Access the Camera Control option.
  3. Once in it, It only remains to deactivate the option Code Scanning or Magnifying Glass.

What other ways can you use your iPhone 16 as a magnifying glass? Using iPhone as a magnifying glass

While it is true that the camera control button is quite a novelty, We can always resort to the classic forms that these mobiles have been offering for some time. to its users.

To activate the Magnifier app on your iPhone, you can do it in several ways, for example:

Using Siri

Just to say «Siri opens Magnifier» Apple's virtual assistant will help you find this app faster.

Find the app on the home screen

You can easily locate the application on your device's home screen. If you can't find it, you may find it easier to look directly in the Utilities folder.

Access the app through the control center

  1. Go to the Control Center and tap the magnifying glass sign.
  2. If this option is not found, you will need to add it manually.
  3. For this, Go to the Settings app and then to the Control Center section.
  4. Tap on the “more” button» and then on the Magnifying Glass option.

What uses can you give to this Magnifier on your iPhone? Magnifying glass app

The Magnifying Glass application is very useful, and widely used for various purposes, such as:

Improve vision

Being an excellent option to see better by zooming, applying various color filters, adding light with the mobile flashlight, and adjusting the brightness or contrast.

Freeze the frame

Once you have enlarged the image using the application, you can freeze this frame and save it as an image In your iPhone gallery, you can do this as many times as you want.

Stay away from people close to you

A curious option, since the Magnifier app on your iPhone will be able to detect when someone is very close to you, helping to maintain social distancing that is comfortable for you. As soon as Lupa detects people too close, it will notify you with sounds, voice or a tactile response.

Door and entrance detection

Magnifying Glass will help you detect doors and other entrances that are located near you, helping you determine the distance you are from them. It also helps you know how to open it as well as read any type of sign, sign or signage that is located near it.

Get detailed descriptions of objects and images around you

You won't need to do anything other than point at an object and speak. This application will be able to detect and read any text that is on the objects you are pointing at. This way it will be much simpler for you to interact with them.

And that's all for today! Let us know in the comments what you think of this way of doing things. Use the camera control button as a magnifying glass on your iPhone 16What other ways to use your phone as a magnifying glass do you know?

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