Our mobile devices are practically essential tools in our daily lives. Ensuring that their operation is optimal is a task of the first order. For this reason, many people obsessively close the apps they use, with the aim of save battery and improve its performance. Then the doubt arises How to close all the apps on our mobile at the same time and when is it convenient to do so?
Although this is a practice that many people currently carry out, it is already known that, except for some very specific cases, Constantly closing mobile apps is actually not highly recommended. We will explain why this statement is made and what you can do alternatively.
How to close all the apps on our mobile at the same time?
The way you can close all apps at once on Android is very different from iOS. In the first one it is quite simple, iOS on the other hand, It does not have this function natively and must be done another way.
The first thing we must understand is the difference between closing a mobile application and forcing it to close, since these are two totally different concepts. The first is nothing more than sliding our finger across the screen and exiting it, the second necessarily involves going to multitasking, with all those apps that we have previously opened and removing this one from it.
To close all those apps that you have open on your iPhone or tablet, you have to:
Turn on the screen Of the device.
Using your finger, you will slide bottom screen up.
This action will redirect you to open apps panel.
Press the "circle" button what you will see next to each app.
A small menu will immediately appear, in which you will have to press the option "Close all applications".
Press this and this way you will close said apps at once.
Is it really convenient to close all the apps at once?
In the past it was believed that closing all applications at once we would help save the battery of our device, and also to improve its performance. Hence many people were obsessed with closing every application on their iPhone all the time. At the moment, It is known that this is no longer necessary and can even be harmful and affect the battery life of your iPhone or Apple tablet.
iOS has always been a operating system that has stood out for staying at the forefront. All the processes that will be carried out on your mobile in the background do not affect the performance of the device, since the operating system ensures that these do not interfere with the battery, the speed of processing and all these actions, which translate into better functioning.
The fact Closing an app to save more battery is even counterproductive, since having to open an app from scratch means that the operating system must load it again and this causes battery consumption to skyrocket. And while it is true that it is not something remarkably significant, it is unproductive.
How to save your iPhone battery?
The main reason why we close all the apps on our iPhone at once is to save battery. As we have seen, this does not work, and is totally counterproductive. Now we show you some actions you can take to save your iPhone battery that are effective:
Use optimized iPhone settings
No matter how you use your device, there are two simple ways to optimize battery usage:
Adjust brightness of the iPhone screen.
Use the connection through a Wi-Fi network.
The way to save more battery is by activating the Auto Brightness mode, this adjusts the brightness of your device to each specific situation.
To activate this option you must Go to the Settings app and then to the Accessibility section.
once here, Tap on the Screen option and text size.
To finish, select the option Automatic Brightness.
Another very useful tip will be to know that Internet connectivity via mobile data consumes much more battery than if you did it through a Wi-Fi network. So if you have the possibility of connecting via Wi-Fi this is preferable.
Battery saving mode
This is the ideal way to extend the battery life of your iPhone. which is found available for a long time, with the release of iOS 9. This basically consists of a set of adjustments that your iPhone's operating system takes to extend its life in cases where the battery drops to 10 and 20%. You can of course make your own settings within this configuration.
With this mode your phone:
Reduces shine from your iPhone screen.
It is responsible for optimizing the performance of the operating system.
Minimize all animations of the operating system.
Content will stop downloading in the background to reduce consumption.
Some features such as AirDrop, iCloud sync, and Continuity are disabled.
Learn about battery usage
The most effective way to save battery is to keep detailed track of processes and apps who consume the most of it, This way you can do more efficient management.
To access this section you have to:
Access Settings from your iPhone.
Then to the section Battery.
In each application, all battery costs will be summarized in detail, such as: Background activity, Location and location in the background, locked screen and home screen.
And that's all for today! Let us know in the comments if you already know how to close all the apps on our mobile at the same time, and when it is convenient to do so. Although as you have surely seen, there are more effective ways to save battery life and improve device performance.